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What kind of player do you hate as a Co-op player?


Aug 23, 2022
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Co-op games are games where you play with a team player to achieve your team goals. When you are down to choose the kind of team player you want to play with, what kind of player do you hate to have in such games?
RE: What kind of player do you hate as a Co-op player?

There are some kind of players who don't deal with losing very well which makes it very difficult playing with them because they were always find a way to blame you for being the reason why they seem lost when they can't even accept their own fault and mistake.
I hate playing with a player who swears a lot. It's even worst when they do it using the F word all the time. It can be very irritating for me to deal with.
I only play co-ops games with people I am already familiar with, I wouldn't play videogames with just anyone.

Sometimes me and a Group of my friends just come together and play videogames at my place or any other location of our choice.
I play co-op games with my two sons and do have a good time playing some multiplayer games like untill Dawn and the quarry.
I prefer playing solo games most of the time because I don't have the energy to deal with a bad co-op player. They can easily get under my skin.
Just don't be a stupid co-op player and I wouldn't have any problems playing with you. I hate doing anything with a stupid person.
PeterS said:
I prefer playing solo games most of the time because I don't have the energy to deal with a bad co-op player. They can easily get under my skin.
This is how I like playing most of my games now. It's less of a drama when you play the solo way.
I don't think there is anyone I wouldn't want to play multiplayer games with unless we've played in the past and I didn't enjoy the experience then I wouldn't want to play with that same person anymore.
I hate having a co-op player who doesn't like to take responsibility for what he's supposed to do. They are always the weak link in the team.
I dislike players who get too excited when they win and too aggressive when they lose.
I dislike players who get too excited when they win and too aggressive when they lose.
Most gamers are like that . Where I find it very annoying is when they are mocking others when they lose and don't like getting mocked when they lose. 
Most gamers are like that . Where I find it very annoying is when they are mocking others when they lose and don't like getting mocked when they lose.

You can't help such a situation at all. I mean, the fun of the game is to take the bitter pill when you lose. However, that is becoming too difficult for a couple of players that I know.
I dislike the kind that horde EVERYTHING in-game and refuses to share with the team. I also dislike the ones that are constantly berating everyone for one little mistake. At the end of the day, it's just a game.
I dislike the kind that horde EVERYTHING in-game and refuses to share with the team. I also dislike the ones that are constantly berating everyone for one little mistake. At the end of the day, it's just a game.
Seriously, any player who is going to make it very tough for me to enjoy the game that I'm playing with the person will definitely have me leaving the game for the person because I wouldn't suffer someone in order to play any game I want to enjoy.
Seriously, any player who is going to make it very tough for me to enjoy the game that I'm playing with the person will definitely have me leaving the game for the person because I wouldn't suffer someone in order to play any game I want to enjoy.
Exactly. Why are you making it tougher for your own team to win? That's not the objective of the game, and on top of that, you're making everyone on your party enjoy the game less.
Exactly. Why are you making it tougher for your own team to win? That's not the objective of the game, and on top of that, you're making everyone on your party enjoy the game less.
What are found out is that some gamers are very selfish and self-entitled that they wouldn't care about what is happening with the other gamers they are playing together with apart from seeking their personal glory in the game.
What are found out is that some gamers are very selfish and self-entitled that they wouldn't care about what is happening with the other gamers they are playing together with apart from seeking their personal glory in the game.
You play to win, right? I believe that the urge to win is always the main thing that they add into consideration at the end of the day and worry less about the wellbeing of other gamers.
As a co-op player, I think the type of player that can be frustrating is someone who's overly bossy or insists on always being in control. You know, the player who tries to micromanage everyone else's actions and doesn't give others the chance to contribute or have fun in their own way. Co-op gaming is all about teamwork and collaboration, so it's important to find a balance where everyone feels valued and can enjoy the experience together.
You play to win, right? I believe that the urge to win is always the main thing that they add into consideration at the end of the day and worry less about the wellbeing of other gamers.
There is a different angle which a game where you play as a team is supposed to be played because if you are playing on a solo tactics as a teammate, you will definitely not be helping your team members.