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What gets you to the top?

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
Well, I'd say content is king and also the backlinks and/or social media following.  Well, I'm not sure if backlinks or social media is more powerful.  Anyhow, if you want to know what makes the big-shots rank, then you can spy on their backlinks and peek at their social media following - as well as seeing the content.

Does anyone agree to at least some degree?
RE: What gets you to the top?

Backlinks that aren't generated, content, and also giving incentive for users to post. Maybe paying certain people to post once every so often can boost activity. That's what I did and I ran out of money but plan to do it again soon.
RE: What gets you to the top?

If anyone seeking unique traffic coming from real humans, then the contents should be unique. It can simply improve his/her sure traffic through social media marketing, sponsored posts/backlinks. 
RE: What gets you to the top?

Create backlinks from authoritative sites in your field that use your name as the anchor text. After you've done this for a while, your site will rank for your name.
You can appear on the top when you optimize your site with keywords, build backlinks, publish quality content. There are numerous methods for taking your website to the top, but these are three basic methods.