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What games are you looking forward too in 2024?


Mar 20, 2024
Reaction score
What are the games that get released later this year you're looking forward too?

What game are you looking forward too the most?
Probably looking forward to Call of Duty Gulf War the most which will be a new black ops game.

I think they should just right out make a black ops similar to 3 and 4 but this should still be a really good game towards the end of this year.
At this time, aside from game updates that I know are coming to games I play, I don't believe at least at this point I am looking forward to any games that I know are releasing at the moment.
If Call of Duty Gulf War would be as good as the previous Black Ops 1 and 2, then it's something I would surely be interested in playing. COD franchise haven't been doing so well as of late. It's why I'm skeptical about their new game.
Honestly speaking, I'm looking forward to Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, which is supposed to come out at the end of the year. As a huge Dragon Ball fan, this game looks like it'll be the best of all time. It has everything - graphics, destructive environments and fast-paced gameplay.