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What do you guys think about cross-breeding animals


Feb 3, 2019
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what do you guys think about when it comes to mixing two types of a species or an entirely different animal?
RE: What do you guys think about cross-breeding animals

Depends on what type of animal it is. For example different sub-species of animals within the same species is okay. If the animal is a different species I think that is wrong. For example lions and tigers cross bread to make a liger in my opinion isn't right in my eyes. Anytime you try to cross breed 2 entirely different species you are crossing into God's territory and it isn't right.
RE: What do you guys think about cross-breeding animals

what do you guys think about when it comes to mixing two types of a species or an entirely different animal?
Ligers are beautiful animals which won't be here if it wasn't for cross breeding.
RE: What do you guys think about cross-breeding animals

Ligers are beautiful animals which won't be here if it wasn't for cross breeding.
Yes they are. The 2 species mixed (lions and tigers) was merely an example I was giving. It's probably the most exempting example out of any I could give so I admit it's not that bad since they are a compatible species. Just trying to give an example. Anything that involves extracting DNA is what isn't right. Lions and tigers can breed naturally and it doesn't cause a problem. It's when you extract the DNA from an animal to un-naturally breed it in my opinion that it's wrong.
RE: What do you guys think about cross-breeding animals

I think it's not right to deform a life on purpose but us, humans beigns are used to do that kind of stuff, even if we are against it, someone somewhere is doing it.

Unless there IS a good chance to maintain a species (in danger of extinction). I'm just trying to justify..
RE: What do you guys think about cross-breeding animals

I think it's not right to deform a life on purpose but us, humans beigns are used to do that kind of stuff, even if we are against it, someone somewhere is doing it.Unless there IS a good chance to maintain a species (in danger of extinction). I'm just trying to justify..
Actually im in complete agreement with you when saving a species is the reason. In that case the species must survive somehow and it's the only way. They are currently cloning sheep. I can't exactly remember what it was for I think to harvest apart of them. Can't remember if it's the organs or what but what is your thoughts on cloning?
RE: What do you guys think about cross-breeding animals

I love science, and I don't know much about animals but cross-breeding them does not sound like an immoral thing to do. It could unlock a lot of opportunities to discover more about the human race.
They have cross bread tiger and lion to create liger. I do not think this is good. I don't see the real purpose of cross breeding. I want this to stop.
If they are cross breeding it to have a hybrid and a dangerous specie, I'm not in support of it because that's going to be life threatening.
So long as we don't have cats mixed with dogs! There's already a show called CatDog and I don't want that to be a real thing! :p