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What do you do when been stared at?


Aug 24, 2022
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There are people that can't take their eyes off someone when staring. What do you do when someone keep staring at you in a particular way? Do you take your eyes off or return the staring?
RE: What do you do when been stared at?

If you are staring at me and I discover that you're doing so, I am going to return the favour. I will never take my eyes off you until you are tired of looking at me because I don't understand the reason why someone would be staring at me especially if I don't know the person.
RE: What do you do when been stared at?

I will mouth to the person is there any problem? I'm very sure that the person would understand my mouth word question. It's silly to stare at someone in a bizarre way.
RE: What do you do when been stared at?

I will mouth to the person is there any problem? I'm very sure that the person would understand my mouth word question. It's silly to stare at someone in a bizarre way.
What happens when they decide to ignore your mouthed question? The best thing to do would be to stare back down at them. When you return the favor, they will back off.
RE: What do you do when been stared at?

I wouldn't stare back, because the person might be reading my next action and plans to take advantage of my next action or step in a dangerous way. No one knows anyone's intentions, it might be so weird. If it is from a beautiful lady, I'll continue to stare at her until I found out the reasons for such staring, .
RE: What do you do when been stared at?

Personally I don't care about someone who stares at me because that is his or her own business.

As long as the person doesn't invade my private space, I wouldn't mind.
Heatx said:
RE: What do you do when been stared at?

Personally I don't care about someone who stares at me because that is his or her own business.

As long as the person doesn't invade my private space, I wouldn't mind.
With the weird stare, they have already invaded my privacy. I will never grow too soft about it.
I will put on my eye glasses and return the favor more than you gave it to me. Why do people even stare at others?
I will walk right up to the person and ask them what's the the problem and why they are staring at me.
I enjoy it. I know that some ladies don't feel comfortable when they are being stared at but it's not me. I love the attention they give me. 
I will walk right up to the person and ask them what's the the problem and why they are staring at me.
You're taking it too far in my opinion. They may not take it lightly with you approaching them for such. It's best to ignore them or stare back at them.
It certainly feels uneasy when you are stared but when you don't look at this person you don't even know whether this guy is still staring at you or not. I just avert my eyes when someone stares at me.
If someone's staring at me, I stare back until they stop doing it. The only exception is kids - I'll usually smile and wave and continue on with my day.
It certainly feels uneasy when you are stared but when you don't look at this person you don't even know whether this guy is still staring at you or not. I just avert my eyes when someone stares at me.
Some of these guys are idiots. They will keep doing everything to catch your eyes and attention. I've had encounter with so many of them. It can be very annoying.
I would do a hand sign like what's the problem? It's disrespectful to stare at people like something is wrong with you.
I would do a hand sign like what's the problem? It's disrespectful to stare at people like something is wrong with you.
It’s really interesting to see all the different reactions to being stared at. Personally, I think it’s all about context. If it’s a curious glance, I usually just smile and go about my day. But if it’s an intense stare that feels uncomfortable, I might raise an eyebrow to signal a ‘can I help you?’ without being confrontational.

It’s important to trust your instincts and handle the situation in a way that makes you feel safe and respected.
I don't really care. But my gf doesn't like it when people stare at me lol
If I find someone staring at me, I tend to just look away or do something on my phone.
If I notice someone staring at me, I usually try to stay composed and friendly. If it’s in a professional setting or at an event, I might approach the person and strike up a conversation, as it could be an opportunity to network or share insights. In more casual situations, I might just smile and go about my business. It’s all about context and feeling out the situation.