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What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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Do you think they are right in being able to choose whether to get on one knee for the flag or do you think out of respect for the American country they should be expected to do this. Personally people died for our country so I say it should be expected yet it's still wrong to force someone to do something in my opinion.
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

Could you please elaborate a little bit more for me? i wanna understand a little bit more :P
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

1@Laifot[/uSER] in the United States players are expected to get down on one knee during the National Anthem. I was asking if anyone thought that players who refused to do it were correct in doing so or if they should basically get in trouble for refusing.
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

Nothing wrong tbh.

You could do it, if you want. If not, you are fine as well.
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

Over here, anthems are not important. Certainly you'd expect players to sing it proudly during events like World cups or something like that, but anyway, that doesn't mean much in these lands.
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

Over here, anthems are not important. Certainly you'd expect players to sing it proudly during events like World cups or something like that, but anyway, that doesn't mean much in these lands.
See guess I learn something every day. That's quite intriguing you say that. In the upper Americas or United States people take it very seriously. If you were to step on the American flag or diminish America in any form like putting a flag on the ground or burning a flag people get very angry.
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

Honestly knowing that the NFL is rigged.. I dont care anymore really about football outside of my team. Just glad to see the superbowl tonight wasn't rigged for the first time in many years. Want proof, look it up on youtube. NFL gets sued by a jets f an after spygate. See what goodell says on predetermined or fixed games and calls football a sports entertainment business like the WWE not competitive sport. Look up videos about controversial calls that get called all the time on certain people and not others. See what goodell said on Tom Brady and him wanting tommy boy to be the best quarterback in history and to win 6-7 superbowls.
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

See guess I learn something every day. That's quite intriguing you say that. In the upper Americas or United States people take it very seriously. If you were to step on the American flag or diminish America in any form like putting a flag on the ground or burning a flag people get very angry.
If you happen to burn a flag in public obviously you'll get people angry at you. But if you don't "pay respects" to the flag or anthem.. nobody really cares. Please look at soccer matches played between south american national teams and their anthems are sang. Most of the players won't sing it vigorously.
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

I doubt if their "disrespect" is real disrespect. It's mostly a way attracting attention to cops - many of whom are brainwashed (by white identity politics).
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

The same situation as Laifot really. We don't care for the flag as much as some Americans tend to do. It's actually quite funny because I always find videos of Americans being quite patriotic towards the national anthem or the flag and you always get some Brits that make fun of them for it. Obviously don't burn the British or English fan but I don't think many people would kneel for it.
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

There is a lot of pros and cons to it, I understand why its done, understand why those who hate on those who do it but I think its the proper steps to reveal the major issues of today's world.
RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

I honestly don't care. We all live together on Earth, we are all humans. I don't recognize disparate countries.