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What do you all think about the situation in Canada?


Feb 1, 2022
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I don't know to much but wanted to talk about it. I know that the truckers are doing protests about the mandatory vaccines and the Canadians are fighting back  because its taking away their freedom.  Now they are doing raids which I think is unfair, least it has been mostly peaceful so fair. 
RE: What do you all think about the situation in Canada?

Freedom Convoy is ending but the issues are not going away.
RE: What do you all think about the situation in Canada?

Their government will pay the price. Breaking their own laws just to push out a mandate is pathetic.

The Candian government can get arrested and invaded for all I care. You can't force someone to do anything. It's called freedom and something Canada as the upper portion of the United States, they can pay the consequence. What they're doing is illegal.
RE: What do you all think about the situation in Canada?

I am surprised that in many European countries people protest against getting vaccinated. I don't understand how it breaches their rights. When the world over is battling an unprecedented situation, vaccination is the only hope against the virus. True even vaccinated people get infected. Few lose their battles too. But isn't it fair to say that when majority of population agree for getting vaccinated, isn't it our duty to abide by the government orders. It is good the protests are by far peaceful. I wish good sense will prevail. I feel ignorance and negative publicity is the reason for vaccine hesitancy.
RE: What do you all think about the situation in Canada?

Snowwhite said:
Freedom Convoy is ending but the issues are not going away.
Very true
RE: What do you all think about the situation in Canada?

TopSilver said:
Their government will pay the price. Breaking their own laws just to push out a mandate is pathetic.
The Candian government can get arrested and invaded for all I care. You can't force someone to do anything. It's called freedom and something Canada as the upper portion of the United States, they can pay the consequence. What they're doing is illegal.
Very much agreed with you there. 
RE: What do you all think about the situation in Canada?

I've been to Canada a few times- Halifax is awesome. Everyone seems very chill and relaxed. Definitely a place I wouldn't mind living.
RE: What do you all think about the situation in Canada?

I support the Truckers demand. I believe getting vaccinated should be your choice. It should never be enforced on you. There are so many contradictory report of the vaccine efficacy that it's not surprising that people question about it. I believe the whole thing is handled wrong. Trust is foremost in healing. If you doubt the success of vaccine, there is no point in forcing such people to get vaccinated.
RE: What do you all think about the situation in Canada?

I personally feel that getting vaccinated is a personal choice and no one should be forced and definitely the government should note make it mandatory.  
RE: What do you all think about the situation in Canada?

Extreme supporters of the vaccine, pretty much totally agree with it.  They see the unvaccinated as terrorists.  In that case, of course, they want harsh laws like what Trudeau wants.