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What console do you use?


Mar 23, 2019
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As the title says, what console do you use for gaming? I use PS4. I have always been a Sony fan and enjoy everything produced by them. I am particularly looking forward to the PSN ID change that Sony will be introducing later this year. Would not mind changing my ID that I created when I was younger.
RE: What console do you use?

I use Xbox One. Have you seen the Soulja Boy game console? lol

People on YT were going crazy about the soulja boy game console that he tried to sell. Apparently he was getting the console off another site and selling it for more. Was a good laugh watching some of the youtube videos on it. And PS4 is a great platform with many exclusives.
RE: What console do you use?

I did hear something about that but I am still surprised to hear he even tried doing that. What was so unique about the Soulja Boy game console? Was it just a PS4 console that he owned that people want to buy it? I will check out the YT videos now.
RE: What console do you use?

I did hear something about that but I am still surprised to hear he even tried doing that. What was so unique about the Soulja Boy game console? Was it just a PS4 console that he owned that people want to buy it? I will check out the YT videos now.
Was actually a rip off of a handheld and also game console he got off allie express and sold for more. Basically made for emulation which I'm sure is why people bought it. Otherwise it wasn't impressive to say the least from tech info that I heard about it. Even had one of those 3 prong red, blue, yellow cords you hook up to old TV. Don't even think it had an HDMI cable
RE: What console do you use?

Was actually a rip off of a handheld and also game console he got off allie express and sold for more. Basically made for emulation which I'm sure is why people bought it. Otherwise it wasn't impressive to say the least from tech info that I heard about it. Even had one of those 3 prong red, blue, yellow cords you hook up to old TV. Don't even think it had an HDMI cable
I think the fact it was sold by Soulja Boy , it raised a few eyebrows and interests. But yeah that does sound legit cool, emulation with 3 prong red and blue yellow is pretty cool! You rarely see one of those. But it seems a little cringey that he a rap artist was selling such things haha. Probably not doing well in the music scene anymore.
RE: What console do you use?

I'm a bit stuck in time. I play a lot of SNES/N64/GameCube games. I own an 3ds as well. I'm planning to buy a Vita (To play J-RPGs). Not really interested in new games atm haha!
RE: What console do you use?

I'm a bit stuck in time. I play a lot of SNES/N64/GameCube games. I own an 3ds as well. I'm planning to buy a Vita (To play J-RPGs). Not really interested in new games atm haha!
I miss Nintendo DS! I really want to get the 3DS just to play the Pokemon games! Those were my childhood games! I also have not tried the 3D side of nintendo before so that would defiantly be interesting.
RE: What console do you use?

I miss Nintendo DS! I really want to get the 3DS just to play the Pokemon games! Those were my childhood games! I also have not tried the 3D side of nintendo before so that would defiantly be interesting.
They actually have a "new" 2ds system called the new 2ds that is built like a 3ds (hence it's not big and clunky and flips like a 3ds) but is $50 cheaper and is $150 versus the 3ds price of $200. I used to own one. The pokemon games were fantastic games to play. I still have not played them all myself. Pokemon Sword and Shield releases this year for the Nintendo Switch. I look forward to those
RE: What console do you use?

I miss Nintendo DS! I really want to get the 3DS just to play the Pokemon games! Those were my childhood games! I also have not tried the 3D side of nintendo before so that would defiantly be interesting.
Pokemon games are always fun to play. I love how it became more and more focused on the story rather than grinding.
RE: What console do you use?

I primarily use my PS4 and it's the only console I have connected in my lounge.

I occasionally still play on my PS3, and seldom use my Xbox 360 anymore. They're both in the spare bedroom upstairs along with a bunch of other consoles that aren't actually connected right now. Perhaps when we move house I'll start working on a decent set up for them all.
RE: What console do you use?

I'm currently split between my PS4 and my Switch, and there is some games I like to get for my 3DS as well. Though I use my PS4 far more these days, but I know next year or the year after I'll put my Switch through its paces.
RE: What console do you use?

I'm currently playing my Nintendo Switch. I've been playing Luigi's Mansion 3 ever since I got that game for Christmas. However, I recently got the Harry Potter Lego Collection for the Switch and I've been playing that for the last couple of days.
RE: What console do you use?

I'm currently playing my Nintendo Switch. I've been playing Luigi's Mansion 3 ever since I got that game for Christmas. However, I recently got the Harry Potter Lego Collection for the Switch and I've been playing that for the last couple of days.
I also have a switch. That console got me into Yugioh. A good game to buy is yugioh legacy of the duelist. Recently I've been playing yugioh duel links on PC.
RE: What console do you use?

The Best The Only PCMR! Aim assist is for scrubbie dubs. ;)
RE: What console do you use?

This is true I have an xbox and a pc i built myself when I want to grind I play pc when I want to play halo and teabag some people I play xbox
I'm still playing on the following console's.

1. PS 4

2. Xbox Series X

3. Nintendo Switch

I still have some of my old classic consoles but I don't play on them again.
I currently own a PlayStation 4 and an Xbox series X though my nephew practically uses both console more than I do but anyways they are still mine. Lol
JoyFreak said:
As the title says, what console do you use for gaming? I use PS4. I have always been a Sony fan and enjoy everything produced by them. I am particularly looking forward to the PSN ID change that Sony will be introducing later this year. Would not mind changing my ID that I created when I was younger.
I play more of my games on my Playstation 4. I have other console's like Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series but I prefer playing on my Playstation 4 better.
Joy101 said:
I currently own a PlayStation 4 and an Xbox series X though my nephew practically uses both console more than I do but anyways they are still mine. Lol
I would pick the Xbox X ahead of PlayStation 4. The games there are quite different and ahead too.
I have a PlayStation 4 , hopefully I want to upgrade to a PlayStation 5 at the beginning of next year.