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What album would be perfect to you, if not for one song

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Apr 19, 2018
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Have you ever had an album where you've loved every song on it except one incredibly horrible song on it? I'll go first and so, for me Biggie Smalls' Life After Death album would be perfect, if not for Playa Hater.
RE: What album would be perfect to you, if not for one song

Raghav Storyteller
RE: What album would be perfect to you, if not for one song

That would have to be Slim Thugs album Already Platinum and the song would be "I ain't heard of that". Every other song is amazing.
RE: What album would be perfect to you, if not for one song

The Wall by Pink Floyd is my best album. I also like the movie The Wall, which is based on music album The Wall.
RE: What album would be perfect to you, if not for one song

I don't mind at all if one of the songs in the album turns out to be an exhibit for me. When I get to its turn I'll definitely skip and move to another. It isn't a must to love all the songs in the album. 
RE: What album would be perfect to you, if not for one song

Monstercat’s  if not for the song Inside Out, which completely conflicts with the sound and mood of the rest of the tracks, which are all of extremely good quality.
RE: What album would be perfect to you, if not for one song

Flip Your Wig by Husker.  Except for 'The Baby Song' They should not have included that in the album, I guess.