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We got a new one > .>


Apr 15, 2018
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On April 23rd 2018 the world is supposed to end! Supposively Nibiru "Planet X" is supposed to become visible outside of earth. Nibiru is i think like 1000 times the mass of the earth? That being said, it would have catastrophic effects on our planet. Volcanos would erupt, earthquakes would be everywhere, it would shake our planet to it's core and as "doomsday sayers" are predicting..end our world. What are your thoughts?
RE: We got a new one > .>

Not sure where you got this information but I'm pretty sure Nibiru is at least a few decades from reaching us. Regardless of whether it would happen that way or not, it's going to be quite a while.
RE: We got a new one > .>

At this point in time, the speculation of planet X, would be that it is in the ort cloud, beyond the orbit of Pluto and Charon. That is, if it indeed exists. Some things in the gravity well of the system, has some quirky issues because of a potential mass somewhere in the orbit of that cloud of planetary debris. It could be a massive planet, or just a large collection of rocks that make up the same mass.