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TV shows or movies turned into books?


Apr 26, 2020
Hopefully I do not confuse anyone here, but I think it is well documented that many books have had feature films or tv show adaptions. But what I am asking here is, what do you think about tv shows or movies that have been turned into books? On the flipside if you wish!

Which books have you loved or hated of these?
RE: TV shows or movies turned into books?

There's already a thread for this but I will say that the hunger games is a movie I really enjoyed. I didn't exactly read the book but I definitely think they did a fair job on it, probably close to as good as the book. Most books are better then the movies I will say.
RE: TV shows or movies turned into books?

Hollywood is making more and more movies (and tv shows) on literature. I figured they were running out of ideas so they're making more movies based on some book out there.
RE: TV shows or movies turned into books?

Stephen King wrote a book called The Stand in 1978 (reprinted in 1990) and it was turned into a mini series in 1994. The book horrified me in that it made me think about what I would do or not do if I were in those circumstances. The mini series movie was actually well done but I wouldn't want to watch it again!

I think I generally prefer books over movies because there are more details that movies have to leave out. Think of the Harry Potter series and how much had to be eliminated for space and time.
RE: TV shows or movies turned into books?

I thought the Harry Potter movies were pretty decent. I know they can't put every little thing from the books into the movie, otherwise the movie would be 14 hours long and who would want to sit through that. My hubby will sit through a movie because that only involves a couple of hours and he isn't really a book reader.
RE: TV shows or movies turned into books?

I generally dislike books made into movies, as most directors and producers will make poor copies of books as movies. Though I do have a number of personal favorites that came out pretty decent as movies. Wish more movie directors took the time to work out issues from the written word to recording, so that the story doesn't have to be drastically changed to "fit" a general movie length.
RE: TV shows or movies turned into books?

After watching a movie when I find that it was based on book I don't usually try to read the book. When I find out that the book I have red has been adapted into a movie, I do not watch the movie. Therefore, I have not read Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
RE: TV shows or movies turned into books?

I haven't really read any books adapted from a tv show or a movie as yet. In fact, I am not aware of any such books, possibly my ignorance. Whereas, I have seen many movies adapted from books. Its good to watch visually what you have read. But the thrill and the imaginations your mind takes you to while reading books is unparalleled, I should say.