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True love or 10 million dollars?


Aug 24, 2022
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Let's assume that you are faced with the options of picking either finding your true love or a bag filled with 10 million dollars, what are you going to do?
RE: True love or 10 million dollars?

Who wouldn't take 10$ million man? you don't need to ask this kind of question because everyone will definitely pick 10$ million for any lover at the moment.
RE: True love or 10 million dollars?

Does true love pay my bills? I would even take $1 million dollars over true love. In fact, 1 million dollars is even too much money to ask for. I will take 500 thousands dollars.

RE: True love or 10 million dollars?

It is going to be very impossible for you to maintain love if you don't have money which is why I believe that it is more important for you to make money first before thinking about falling in love.
RE: True love or 10 million dollars?

Will $10 million make me happy when I have to live with the guilt that I left my love for money? Happiness is what matters kin life, and money can never make yoy happy. I am being realistic.
RE: True love or 10 million dollars?

Nomad said:
Will $10 million make me happy when I have to live with the guilt that I left my love for money? Happiness is what matters kin life, and money can never make yoy happy. I am being realistic.
Being poor can chase the love of your life away as well. That is another thing one should consider. Money is good and as long as it is a huge sum of money, I will find it difficult turning it down.
Love is completely useless to me. I would have the 10 million dollars.

It will buy me all the happiness I want in this damn world.
Martins said:
Love is completely useless to me. I would have the 10 million dollars.

It will buy me all the happiness I want in this damn world.
Happiness where there are no love? How does it work?
This is a silly question but I would still go for 10 million dollars though.
10 million dollars would buy me any kind of love I want in this life.

Money is everything.
I have never seen 10 million dollars in my life but I have seen so many true love that failed. I will have the dollars with no question.
Henrywrites said:
Let's assume that you are faced with the options of picking either finding your true love or a bag filled with 10 million dollars, what are you going to do?
Only a stupid man will choose love over 10 million dollars.

The true love you chosen will end up leaving you for who's got 10 million dollars.
True love is real, there's no doubt about it. But I will still choose $10 million dollars first before thinking about True love. 
Let's assume that you are faced with the options of picking either finding your true love or a bag filled with 10 million dollars, what are you going to do?
Unfortunately, I don't even believe that ordinary love even exist and not to talk more of true Love, so I would definitely prefer to have $10 million over any kind of love from any woman.
Money is my happiness and 10 million dollars is that happiness in bulk for me.
I completely agree with you! They money is the root of all evil, I want to be the foundation of the evil. Please, I want all the money in the world.
I completely agree with you! They money is the root of all evil, I want to be the foundation of the evil. Please, I want all the money in the world.

Money can be said to brighten the day for anyone. So, anyone saying that the money is the root of all evil has a lot of learning to do in terms of the fact that money answers all things.
Money can be said to brighten the day for anyone. So, anyone saying that the money is the root of all evil has a lot of learning to do in terms of the fact that money answers all things.
Having money means that I can be able to take care of all my responsibilities and pay all of my bills when they are due. Tell me why that wouldn't be a great thing that makes me very happy?
Having money means that I can be able to take care of all my responsibilities and pay all of my bills when they are due. Tell me why that wouldn't be a great thing that makes me very happy?

Money answers all things according to the bible. So, I stand with you on having the thought that money is very good for a good health lifestyle.
Money answers all things according to the bible. So, I stand with you on having the thought that money is very good for a good health lifestyle.
When you have a lot of things to take care of which requires money, you will definitely need it otherwise you cannot be able to take care of those things and not being able to do that is not going to make you a happy person.