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Title tag length for SEO?


Jul 9, 2021
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What is the ideal title tag length and what is the best title tag length for SEO?
RE: Title tag length for SEO?

5-6 characters probably is the perfect size.
You need to keep your title less than 65 characters because that's the maximum number of characters Google can display on its search results.
65 is the maximum I would always go for when it comes to a title as that is the maximum Google will show on a search engine. If you can get around 65 characters, you will see better results.
I’d recommend that you keep your title tag short and simple. Just use a keyword or two and include it in your meta description. Your meta description should be longer though and should be a sentence long.
The most important thing to consider is to use search term on your title tag. Search term is the words or phrase, or queries that people type on the search bar. When you do that, search engines will display your content when people search for the term you have used on the title
From what I’ve gathered, keeping your title under 65 characters seems to be the sweet spot. It’s long enough to be descriptive and include your target keywords, but short enough to avoid being cut off in search engine results.

More than the length, I believe the key is to make sure your title is relevant and engaging. It should give users a clear idea of what to expect on the page and why they should click through.