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This style has given me 100% satisfaction

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
You may have noticed (though we are still growing) me changing a few things around on the site today. I want you to know that majority of what you noticed is now over if you did.

I have never been more satisfied with a custom style that I created and made myself in my entire life then I have with this one. Everything is piecing together and mind piff is at long last at a final place where we can grow.

Changes that occurred today:

  • Sidebar and Category headers font change.
  • Block-body (page content) font change to font similar to UI.X themes (this includes post areas)
  • Full capitalization added to overall header areas
  • Small touch area touch ups
  • Forum stats changed

Changes occurred yesterday:

  • Reputation bar slimmed down to match level bar
  • Level bar added for awards (it only takes 1 award to get to level one)
  • Very tiny icons added next to join date, messages, and ratings (similar to UI.X themes)
  • Reputation percentage title changed to green
  • Rating in post bit linked to each members overall ratings in overlay pop-up

These changes will mostly hold their ground for the future. There are a couple things I intend to do.

I want to make it so that the profile award showcase shows more then one award for each category you have them over. Preferably but undecided to get rid of the category block headers as a whole and just show the first 20 awards or so similar to our old award add-on.

Next is the undecided decision on whether to keep the leveling system (reputation will stay either way and so will revamped reputation bar). So far I am all for it. The first 2 levels are 15 points each. It's not hard to get a higher level at all. Each 2 levels the amount you need increases by 20 points. So level 3 and 4 take 35 points. If you view the awards you can easily see that (especially considering they are handed out automatically for most) there is good opportunity to increase your rank.

We will see how it goes. The worst that can happen is no one ever loses an award or trophy but we simply get rid of the rank. I believe it will work well. Please leave any questions or comments below and I very much appreciate your time here as a valued mind piff member or guest. If you are new please sign up to be apart of the fun, we would love to have you :D

The awards seem to be working, i still don't get the purpose of the reputation bar, for me it may be little bit disheartening to know that only 30-40% of my posts are good, the bar would drop even more when the post count is more elevated.

Other thing to add is that the boldness of the usernames (at least for Super Mods) produce certain eye strain, i really need to focus my eye to see it.
Hey 1@Laifot[/uSER] the reputation bar is based on ratings, not posts. This thread explains what it takes to be at 100%, it's a sticky that's been in announcements for some time though recently updated -> https://www.mindpiff.com/threads/reputation-percentage-and-bar-added-based-on-rating-score.1055/. It takes a bit over 2,000 ratings to be at 100%. Considering we will grow in the future I couldn't make it much lower then that or it would be way too easy.

The awards definitely are working. I also hope you like the request feature via the award page for other awards like greeter and so forth.

I may change the color of the usernames for the dark style only. There should be some CSS I can manage to use that could do that.
I also wanted to add one last message to explain that the reputation bars percentage is only the percentage of the bars progress. It has nothing to do with the amount of reputation you've had on your posts.
I also wanted to add one last message to explain that the reputation bars percentage is only the percentage of the bars progress. It has nothing to do with the amount of reputation you've had on your posts.
Oh sorry, my bad, i haven't fully understood what you said earlier.

We're good then! nice work!
I will update the dark style usernames within 1 day or 2. Simply make them more flat on the dark theme.
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