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The life of Nikola Tesla


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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Who here is interested in Nikola Tesla or know who he is?

He is a very popular inventor who tried to invent a way to use free energy. Today we use energy that exists in one place. His idea was to harness an energy underground and use it across all parts of the globe creating a free current of energy that anyone could use. Instead of having to pay an electric bill every month you could get it for free.

Later he died before his invention was complete. Some of you may not know he also had invented the light bulb like Thomas Edison but Thomas Edison had a different type of current he used called DC current or "direct current". Nikola tesla used AC current or "alternating current".

A lot of people never knew who he was due to the fact that AC current lost it's popularity shortly after he died and everyone used direct current.

The history channel speaks all about his inventions and how they could have changed the world. Thoughts?
RE: The life of Nikola Tesla

Put the two guys together and you have AC/DC :poop:
RE: The life of Nikola Tesla

Man I can't imagine a world without the invention of AC voltage.
RE: The life of Nikola Tesla

Please, what year did Nikola Tesla died? Its a genius for trying his best to invent those two things even though they faded off after he died, its good he has a place in the history book.
RE: The life of Nikola Tesla

He died January 7th, 1943. So quite some time ago. I also agree his idea was amazing. They say he could have made it a reality if he hadn't of died as shortly before his death he had several new findings that were never uncovered. It interest me a great deal.
RE: The life of Nikola Tesla

He died January 7th, 1943. So quite some time ago. I also agree his idea was amazing. They say he could have made it a reality if he hadn't of died as shortly before his death he had several new findings that were never uncovered. It interest me a great deal.
He's demise is a sad one indeed. And he didn't even last that long with the picture displayed here. Had it been nature gave him some time it could've been amazing ending for him cos more invention could've followed too.