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The Holy War


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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What will Wars be like in the end times? For myself I believe in the Christian bibles revelation. Some of you may not.

My question is this. What will the Holy War be like and how do you think it will be fought. The bible says Jesus will defeat Satan with the Word of God.

It seems interesting to me how warfare will take place in the end times. I've heard stories of those riding horse back because terrain will be ruff.

Do you think those alive will fight with actual spiritual powers? Or do you think it will be similar to a sword and shield type way.

Interesting as well. And I can't remember if this is in the bible but I've heard there will be only 2 cities. Gog and Magog.

RE: The Holy War

What will Wars be like in the end times? For myself I believe in the Christian bibles revelation. Some of you may not.My question is this. What will the Holy War be like and how do you think it will be fought. The bible says Jesus will defeat Satan with the Word of God.

It seems interesting to me how warfare will take place in the end times. I've heard stories of those riding horse back because terrain will be ruff.

Do you think those alive will fight with actual spiritual powers? Or do you think it will be similar to a sword and shield type way.

Interesting as well. And I can't remember if this is in the bible but I've heard there will be only 2 cities. Gog and Magog.

Giving it some thought i believe in a more midevil sorda deal with swords and shields as something big will happen like a solar flare, and well at that point nukes become useless as they are computer guided and nobody's going to be droping them by plane as fuel will be sparce. from that point bullets only last for so long, we as a world are so corrupted by technology it would take years to make ammo without automatic factories. thats the thing, we wont have a few years to stablize as people go mad and murder begins across the world less and less ammunition is available. thus forcing other weapons; good old fashion knives and swords will become new weapons of war and those who remain hidden until its time to fight and the enemy is weak will rise, creating a new age. A world for new life among men, new religion to spread and new story's to tell and be passed on. i believe the will happen because mother nature must take its course in population control and theres no better way to do that than to turn everyone against each other.
RE: The Holy War

Giving it some thought i believe in a more midevil sorda deal with swords and shields as something big will happen like a solar flare' date=' and well at that point nukes become useless as they are computer guided and nobody's going to be droping them by plane as fuel will be sparce. from that point bullets only last for so long, we as a world are so corrupted by technology it would take years to make ammo without automatic factories. thats the thing, we wont have a few years to stablize as people go mad and murder begins across the world less and less ammunition is available. thus forcing other weapons; good old fashion [i']knives and swords [/i]will become new weapons of war and those who remain hidden until its time to fight and the enemy is weak will rise, creating a new age. A world for new life among men, new religion to spread and new story's to tell and be passed on. i believe the will happen because mother nature must take its course in population control and theres no better way to do that than to turn everyone against each other.
I seem to agree to this. I think horse back will make a return too. I still believe there will be an antichrist but I keep in mind that this world will have no survival to muster up any type of defense to defend itself against anything that isn't strictly organized by either opposing force. Mother nature will also crush the foundation of civilization as we know it at the point where this does occur. People predict the end of the world a lot and are always wrong. I don't think it will end for quite some time and I think we have plenty of time. Anyways I see a War but not between so-called factions like predicted by some. I've heard things in the bible about a statue of gold, nickel, iron, and bronze. Where there would be 4 factions. One who served God the normal way, another who served god but did it a different way (possibly jewish people), another who didn't serve anyone and was neutral, and another who was completely against God in all shape and forms. This could be a possibility. However only the 2 forces of nature. Good and evil will decide what happens. Regardless I think you got it right about old fashion but I'd be willing to hear what others think.
RE: The Holy War

Another problem in the end times is racial conflict (nation rising against nation). That's certainly a problem - as displayed with identity politics.