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Technology in studies, a good idea ?


Aug 23, 2021
What do you all think about using technology in studies? Do you think it’s making today’s children lazy or are they thinking more critically due to it?
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

It's definitely making them lazy and not being able to make use of their head especially when it comes to mathematical calculations. 

I can remember when I was still a teenager, we never used calculators for any maths especially in addition, subtraction and multiplication but now kids are too dull to use their head. 
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

Jessica said:
What do you all think about using technology in studies? Do you think it’s making today’s children lazy or are they thinking more critically due to it?
Of course yes, I have good reasons to believe that the use of technology have limited our kids brain capacity to process some data now because you can hardly see kids that read the whole multiplication table off heart. 
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

Anachiwo said:
Of course yes, I have good reasons to believe that the use of technology have limited our kids brain capacity to process some data now because you can hardly see kids that read the whole multiplication table off heart. 
Kids are very smart because their brain isn't yet overcrowded with a lot of trash. Once you get them to study, they are definitely going to pick up and get better at it. 
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

I think it depends what the tech is and how it is used. One major advantage I'm seeing with it is that it's able to give kids immediate feedback about their work in a way I can't manage. If a child is playing a game or even doing a worksheet online that after each question tells the student if it's right or wrong, the student is more likely to learn than if they fill out a whole packet with the same mistake throughout.
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

Technology eventually makes them lazy because they get whatever they need at their fingertips. Calculations, responses, and feedback are all auto-generated and they just have to sit back and watch it. Kids expect everything to be easy and they don't give their brain to work or think about how it is done or made.
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

Heatman said:
Kids are very smart because their brain isn't yet overcrowded with a lot of trash. Once you get them to study, they are definitely going to pick up and get better at it. 
I can remember when we were still kids, there kind of things we do are no where near what kids are doing now in terms of being smart and knowing how to improvise. 
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

Technology in studies is good, there is no way you would be able to eliminate it from usage but over reliance on its usage even for the things you can do with your brain is what's not to be encouraged. 
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

Depending on how the technology is being used in learning and academics is what that's going to change everything in the system. 
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

Jessica said:
What do you all think about using technology in studies? Do you think it’s making today’s children lazy or are they thinking more critically due to it?
The world will always be evolving and it's why we have technology in our studies the way we have it now. It's not always like that before but it's what we see now. 
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

Technology can definitely be helpful when studying. Myself, I use it a lot and have learnt a lot with it. Of course it depends on the student's will and desire to learn. If the person is just lazy, nothing could help him.
Yarik said:
RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ?

Technology can definitely be helpful when studying. Myself, I use it a lot and have learnt a lot with it. Of course it depends on the student's will and desire to learn. If the person is just lazy, nothing could help him.
It makes studying very easy. You will be able to have access to so many materials online that's going to enhance your knowledge if you research very well on it.
How good our scientists have progressed today is a very good example of how good technology can be useful in academics.
Sparrow said:
How good our scientists have progressed today is a very good example of how good technology can be useful in academics.
Take a look at the health sector, it's all a good indication of how good technology have become in its use in the sector.