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Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)


Jan 23, 2019
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my younger sister is one of my best friends, she gets on my nerves a lot but we are pretty close in age and we normally get along really well. She makes me laugh all the time and she's one of the only people who understand what it's like to live in our house besides our parents. She's super smart and knows how to play a lot of instruments, too. I remember one time I was trying to go to job corps and I would have to live there and she was so torn up about it and I realized I would be so sad if I barely ever got to see her and I'm gonna miss her a lot when I move out.
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

There's a lot of people I love. One being my brother who just had a baby recently with his new Wife. She laughs a lot for a new born baby. She's a miracle to this world and she has a special place in my heart. My brother recently moved across the country to Cali so I don't get to see him as much but he intends to move back soon I think.
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

Two things I love. First is my beautiful girlfriend, we've been in a relationship for a little bit over 3 years. She is always there for me and I am there for her when we need each other, her and I are close and comfortable with anything and will be together for many years to come. Second is my dog piccolo, he is a wiener dog, pitbull mix and he has been one of the best dogs ive ever owned in my life. The bestest boy.
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I really adore my father. After my mother left us, he had to start doubling as my mom and my dad, and I can't be more thankful for how well he's done with it. He's dealt with all my female problems, and even today is always supporting me (both financially as he can, and emotionally). He's like a father, mother, and older brother all together... oh, and sometimes like a puppy. We have a joke because I call him papa and sometimes when I say pa it sounds like paw, so now I say paw when I want to hand him something. xD

But seriously, my dad is amazing. Though he's now disabled, he still works hard to take care of me, even though I'm a full fledged adult. We both are disabled, actually- so we help take care of each other when one is doing better than the other. He always hates himself for letting me take care of him on his bad days... But honestly, I like that he lets me. It makes me feel less hopeless or useless, and it really boosts my spirits when he agrees I can get him a drink or something to eat. :3
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I really adore my father. After my mother left us, he had to start doubling as my mom and my dad, and I can't be more thankful for how well he's done with it. He's dealt with all my female problems, and even today is always supporting me (both financially as he can, and emotionally). He's like a father, mother, and older brother all together... oh, and sometimes like a puppy. We have a joke because I call him papa and sometimes when I say pa it sounds like paw, so now I say paw when I want to hand him something. xD
But seriously, my dad is amazing. Though he's now disabled, he still works hard to take care of me, even though I'm a full fledged adult. We both are disabled, actually- so we help take care of each other when one is doing better than the other. He always hates himself for letting me take care of him on his bad days... But honestly, I like that he lets me. It makes me feel less hopeless or useless, and it really boosts my spirits when he agrees I can get him a drink or something to eat. :3
That's a heart-warming story, thank you for sharing!

My mom is almost the same from me. She's the person i look forward to become in the future.
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I love my family, they mean the world to me! I don't know what I'd do without them seriously. They hold me up and keep me sane! Love them xoxoxo
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I love my daughter. She is 26 and lives an hour away from me in a big city where I'm always concerned for her safety and well-being. She's an artist like me except she enjoys different genres and works in mediums I could never imagine working with.

When she comes to visit we have fun dressing up her guinea pig...who hates us for it and we like going for long walks where we can talk and talk and talk. She's a lot like me in many ways and I never realized it until someone else pointed out that we have the same mannerisms and say the same type of things. I guess she truly is a mini-me!
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I love my brother so much. He is always there for me whenever I needed. We have silly fights but the bond between us is great. He helps me and encourages me so much. Am blessed to have a wonderful brother like him in my life.
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

My mum is a biggest shield of our family. Whatever the life has thrown at us, she has handled it with great dignity and respect, that has taught her children to be stronger.
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I don't know if I would ever love another person in the world today the same way I love my mother. Hey, keep my father aside, you see my mother, if it's possible to marry, I would but it's not possible. 
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I'm actually a twin and my other half is the first person that I love so much in this life because we are connected in all manner of ways possible. 

Whatever that affects me signals here immediately and vice versa. 
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I really love twins very much and I hope that I would have one when I get married but I think it's something to do with one's lineage or something. 
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

Heatman said:
I really love twins very much and I hope that I would have one when I get married but I think it's something to do with one's lineage or something. 
You never can tell what would happen. With science and genetics, I believe that just about anything is possible. Although, you should bear it in mind that twins are big job. 
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I don't usually trust people easily but I had a soft spot for my colleague at work who proved to me that in life you should always keep in mind that there will always be an exception. 
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I can't think of anyone else that I love more than I love myself, so I'm going to be choosing myself for now. Yeah, I do love my parents but I love myself more for obvious reasons. 
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

I love my boyfriend and I have never said this out loud to his hearing because I don't want him to start feeling too big. 
RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

Anachiwo said:
I love my boyfriend and I have never said this out loud to his hearing because I don't want him to start feeling too big. 
You should tell your boyfriend that you love very often, so that he can also express himself well for you to know how he feels. 