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Successful man

RE: Successful man

To me having a lot of money, owning a lot of gold or a mansion or having big bank balance doesn’t only means success. A man who is contented with his life in any form, holds a peaceful mind and stays aware of his feelings is a successful man
RE: Successful man

What is the definition of a successful man near you?
A man who can maintain blissful, unbothered happiness.
RE: Successful man

One who is able to control self, is able to enjoy a balance of work and family, and knowing when to call it quits when life throws you a curve ball. I also believe that a better man knows how to handle situations outside of his control, without it eating away at his core. Some things require pushing through those situations, while others require leaving those situations. Knowing when to do either one of them, proves whether or not the man will come out better by making that difficult choice.
RE: Successful man

Success doesn't mean riches of money. You can simply have some money, protect it well, invest wisely, plan your life well and manage your primary needs, stay healthy with your family, friends. Such person is a successful man, because he isn't relying on any for help nor is the person suffering. 
RE: Successful man

Successfulness is subjective. Men are successful when they reach their dream. This means they are able to do what they want when they want. Aka they have freedom. With money they can do whatever they want  

For most man, it's always been to have a job that allows you to support and enjoy life with family. I’m a success they might say. But that’s not necessarily what others would or should want.
RE: Successful man

Spiced said:
What is the definition of a successful man near you?
Personally, I don't see anything as being successful but when you are financially set up to the point where money isn't your problem any more. 
RE: Successful man

Spiced said:
To me having a lot of money, owning a lot of gold or a mansion or having big bank balance doesn’t only means success. A man who is contented with his life in any form, holds a peaceful mind and stays aware of his feelings is a successful man
As far as I'm concerned, if you are not wealthy enough, you are not successful to me. Let's keep the having peace of mind aside because I can't have peace of mind when I'm broke. 
RE: Successful man

If your wealth is not empowering others, you will never be seen as a successful man in my eyes. Take a look at Elon Musk, he's the epitome of successful man for me. 
RE: Successful man

Heatman said:
If your wealth is not empowering others, you will never be seen as a successful man in my eyes. Take a look at Elon Musk, he's the epitome of successful man for me. 
He's the richest man in the world right now for a good reason, so I'm not surprised that he rendered that kind of service to Ukraine. 
RE: Successful man

Martinsx said:
He's the richest man in the world right now for a good reason, so I'm not surprised that he rendered that kind of service to Ukraine. 
I have so much Rich men in my community and country but they are never the free giving type when it comes to offering help to the weak ones that are suffering. 