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Straight outa Texas


Jul 7, 2021
Reaction score
Hey y'all, hope you're doing great. This is Zack from Houston, Texas. I'm new to this place. I'm a tech geek who loves shooting safe, fps gamer major warzone fan, and I love trucks. My friends call me puff, long story. It's nice to be one this rig.
Hey y'all, hope you're doing great. This is Zack from Houston, Texas. I'm new to this place. I'm a tech geek who loves shooting safe, fps gamer major warzone fan, and I love trucks. My friends call me puff, long story. It's nice to be one this rig.
Hi 1@Zack_Puffs[/uSER] ! your nickname is cool! i love it!
Hope you have a great time here! if you have any doubt do not hesitate to contact staff! please follow the forum guidelines :)
Welcome to this great forum! Happy to have you here with us. I remember you from fiverr and I hope your exams have gone well. Enjoy your time here and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Welcome to this great forum! Happy to have you here with us. I remember you from fiverr and I hope your exams have gone well. Enjoy your time here and if you have any questions feel free to
Yup I'm the same Zack, we did meet before and I love to be on this site.
Yup I'm the same Zack, we did meet before and I love to be on this site.
Thank you so much for joining. I think the platform and theme we are on will be perfect for a site that will have a lot of people. They have quit a bit of good backlink packages on fiverr and I bought a decent bit so we will see results soon. Already am with 17 clicks in google half-way through the first month after buying them. You have my apologies for the site being down just recently. That won't happen again for a decent while. I made several edits to the forum sections and I hope you like them :D
Thank you so much for joining. I think the platform and theme we are on will be perfect for a site that will have a lot of people. They have quit a bit of good backlink packages on fiverr and I bought a decent bit so we will see results soon. Already am with 17 clicks in google half-way through the first month after buying them. You have my apologies for the site being down just recently. That won't happen again for a decent while. I made several edits to the forum sections and I hope you like them :D
I'm honestly loving the new upgrades, it's more phone user friendly and has a decent vibe with an extremely great loading speed.