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Stock Photography


Jan 11, 2021
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Does anyone do stock photography here?

I just started doing it as an experiment for my money-making blog so let's see how it works out so far I got my images rejected lol. Any one trying this?
RE: Stock Photography

No I don't but I do appreciate some good stock photos. Adobe has their own professional line of them but I prefer to just go to the site pexels.com which is where you can get stock photos for free. I use them on web templates in my spare time if I'm feeling up to it, once in a while will need stock photos to make a template. These days if you have a professional job adobe stock might be a better choice.
RE: Stock Photography

Where are you uploading the stock photos and what is your nich of photographs exactly? Cuz I've been doing stock for a long time and I mostly do animal and street photos a ton. It's more like a hobby for me, not much about making money.
RE: Stock Photography

I don't do this. I have thought and realized that I won't be able to make a lot of money from doing so.
Henrywrites said:
RE: Stock Photography
I don't do this. I have thought and realized that I won't be able to make a lot of money from doing so.
To be honest, I don't know who the hell would do it either. It's a low income job and unless your traveling to great landscapes or the 5 hidden wonders of the world it's unlikely to make you much money.
I use stock photographs with my web content, however, I have never tried publishing my photos on stock photography websites. They say it is a good passive income source but I really doubt that you might be able to sell photographs