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Some Stoic stuff you may find useful


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Retired Staff
Apr 16, 2018
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RE: Some Stoic stuff you may find useful

Day 1 was great! i didn't know that Roosevelt had Seneca as one of his mentors.

Hope to read Day 2 anytime soon :P (it's missing in your list)

This classifies as Religion? i think is more spiritual/personal than a devotion for a deity.
RE: Some Stoic stuff you may find useful

I read day 1 1@Nagato[/uSER] seems similar to the way forums are with the way Stoicism has been described. "Your words mean more than your actions". Also the way they described Teddy Roosevelts comments on "cool headedness" seems to remind me of a website staff team. Almost like forum behaviors. To be consistent, but not take the situation too far at certain times where this "consistency" might be tested. Also to use your words in a manner where you aren't comparing it to your actions. Interesting share
RE: Some Stoic stuff you may find useful

Day 1 was great! i didn't know that Roosevelt had Seneca as one of his mentors.
Hope to read Day 2 anytime soon :p (it's missing in your list)

This classifies as Religion? i think is more spiritual/personal than a devotion for a deity.
Day 2 file size was too big :( And this is definitely philosophy
Hey there,

Today we are introducing you to the Stoic practice of premeditatio malorum (“the pre-meditation of evils”). It is a Stoic exercise of imagining things that could go wrong or be taken away from us. It helps us prepare for life’s inevitable setbacks. We don’t always get what is rightfully ours, even if we’ve earned it. Not everything is as clean and straightforward as we think they may be. Psychologically, we must prepare ourselves for this to happen.

Day 1 was great! i didn't know that Roosevelt had Seneca as one of his mentors.
Hope to read Day 2 anytime soon :p (it's missing in your list)

This classifies as Religion? i think is more spiritual/personal than a devotion for a deity.
Day 2: https://convertkit.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/documents/23129/1219057/Day_2.pdf
RE: Some Stoic stuff you may find useful

I get enough stoic crap on Facebook (memes) - from guys who probably aren't real men - LOL.