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SEO course?


Jul 9, 2021
Reaction score
I'm considering taking an SEO course, but is it worthwhile to pay for one or should I simply research information and watch YouTube videos?
RE: SEO course?

It might be interesting to take an SEO course if it didn't cost a fortune where you had to buy series all at once. Maybe a 1-6 video course would be a good idea.
RE: SEO course?

TopSilver said:
It might be interesting to take an SEO course if it didn't cost a fortune where you had to buy series all at once. Maybe a 1-6 video course would be a good idea.
I think its better if i Invest that money in a good domain, good hosting, good security for your site, and good content and learn seo that way. I can see free videos on YouTube 
You can find a lot of SEO courses on Udemy, if you don't like paying for SEO, you can try Alison, which is a free learning site.Youtube is also good for learning but the problem with youtube is finding the proper content because with SEO any video can rank high.