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Self Mastery?


Active Member
Retired Staff
Apr 16, 2018
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What do you think of the idea of Self Mastery?
RE: Self Mastery?

What do you mean by self mastery? I think meditation comes to mind with this. I relate quite a bit to self mastery. It seems I've had to master myself for quite a while to defeat what it is I've had to go through. These are really personal issues but that's quite an interesting term.
RE: Self Mastery?

What do you mean by self mastery? I think meditation comes to mind with this. I relate quite a bit to self mastery. It seems I've had to master myself for quite a while to defeat what it is I've had to go through. These are really personal issues but that's quite an interesting term.
Bawically, complete self-control
RE: Self Mastery?

1@Nagato[/uSER] that's something I am good at when it comes to self-control that has to do with your own self but when it comes to other people it get's a bit harder. If you had of asked me 8 years ago if I thought it was possible I'd say no. Times have changed. I believe this can be achieved in time but it's much easier to have self-control of your own self than it is for other people. Then it gets much harder. The kind your referring to would take lots of meditation and age.
RE: Self Mastery?

1@Nagato[/uSER] that's something I am good at when it comes to self-control that has to do with your own self but when it comes to other people it get's a bit harder. If you had of asked me 8 years ago if I thought it was possible I'd say no. Times have changed. I believe this can be achieved in time but it's much easier to have self-control of your own self than it is for other people. Then it gets much harder. The kind your referring to would take lots of meditation and age.
It could take people most of their life, depending on their situation, to master this. I want to master this
RE: Self Mastery?

It could take your entire life to achieve that. When you can learn of your own mistakes fast, you only need to make a few mistakes to be perfect (lol)

Asian philosophy might help you out. Most of our limits are placed solely by ourselves... but without that kind of emotions we will be less and less human..
RE: Self Mastery?

Asian philosophy might help you out. Most of our limits are placed solely by ourselves... but without that kind of emotions we will be less and less human..
Asians tend to have a better self respect than most modern adults. That's why culture is so important to this site. I want people of all nations to join Mind Piff and share their beliefs. Everyone is welcome. No one will be judged based on their views.

But it is the upmost truth that a lot of people in mostly asian countries tend to have a certain respect that a lot of people in the western world don't have. Not all but certain ones do. Self mastery isn't exactly a term that I believe is deemed worthy of being an actual "term". We all have a will inside us. What you do with that will is your choice. But reaching an enlightenment stage of self mastery would require you to have complete control over your "will". It would require going further than nirvana in meditation as well as living life long enough to not let anything change you. If you respond to folly (someones attempt at getting you to do something based on how you see them) then you are a step further from reaching that point. You must not respond to folly, you must have complete control over your will, and you must be one with your creator and divine self. Those are 3 key traits you must have.
RE: Self Mastery?

It could take your entire life to achieve that.Asian philosophy might help you out. Most of our limits are placed solely by ourselves... but without that kind of emotions we will be less and less human..
I agree and I’m interested in asian philosophy. I’m also interested in Stoicism
RE: Self Mastery?

What do you guys consider "self mastery"?

- When do you consider that you "improved" yourself? when you overcome a certain phobia or forget stuff that hurt you?
RE: Self Mastery?

I strongly believe that self mastery is essential in controlling your own thoughts, desires, words and actions. It real aids you to discover yourself in and out and reconnect you to yourself.
RE: Self Mastery?

Acknowledging ones abilities and to overpower your unwanted or intrusive thoughts and replacing them with healthy ones, means you have master the art of self mastery. Ultimately, I don’t believe it to be happened over night or anything but we can only learn self discipline through our experiences with weakness and strengths and also by being patient at every step. Training your brain to choose what’s right and wrong. That’s the ways we can learn self mastery.
RE: Self Mastery?

The biggest thing I see in self mastery, is to figure out what ones fears and doubts are, and then learning how to to overcome them, so that your ability to do things would not be hindered by the ever cloud of "what if".
RE: Self Mastery?

zoldos said:
Depends on what it means.
I think that they already discussed it further and it's basically having self control. 

Exercises and going blank silent are two ways to help keep myself under control not to lose my cool easily. 
RE: Self Mastery?

Heatman said:
I think that they already discussed it further and it's basically having self control. 
Exercises and going blank silent are two ways to help keep myself under control not to lose my cool easily. 
If I don't say my piece when I'm angry, I won't ever feel rested. It's a way for me to steam off the anger. I don't get violent or anything when I'm angry. 
RE: Self Mastery?

Martinsx said:
If I don't say my piece when I'm angry, I won't ever feel rested. It's a way for me to steam off the anger. I don't get violent or anything when I'm angry. 
It's my sister that would talk all day long whenever she's angry. We will never have peace in the house whenever she's pissed about something. 