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Reputation Percentage and Bar added Based on Rating Score

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Hey guys I have updated this post and edited it.

This has now been added back with reputation percentage and is now based on rating score.

These are the levels of the bar in reaction score. Each number is 1% of reputation you can gain and the bar increases that much each time as well totaling 100%. Also it takes 10 ratings before the reputation bar shows up. You cannot lose score since we only have positive reactions. I hope you enjoy.

2300 reactions

2240 reactions

2200 reactions

2160 reactions

2120 reactions

2080 reactions

2040 reactions

2000 reactions

1960 reactions

1920 reactions

1880 reactions

1840 reactions

1800 reactions

1760 reactions

1720 reactions

1680 reactions

1640 reactions

1600 reactions

1580 reactions

1540 reactions

1500 reactions

1460 reactions

1420 reactions

1380 reactions

1340 reactions

1300 reactions

1260 reactions

1220 reactions

1180 reactions

1140 reactions

1100 reactions

1060 reactions

1020 reactions

980 reactions

940 reactions

900 reactions

860 reactions

820 reactions

780 reactions

740 reactions

700 reactions

680 reactions

660 reactions

640 reactions

620 reactions

600 reactions

580 reactions

560 reactions

540 reactions

520 reactions

500 reactions

480 reactions

460 reactions

440 reactions

420 reactions

400 reactions

380 reactions

360 reactions

340 reactions

320 reactions

300 reactions

290 reactions

280 reactions

270 reactions

260 reactions

250 reactions

240 reactions

230 reactions

220 reactions

210 reactions

200 reactions

190 reactions

180 reactions

170 reactions

160 reactions

150 reactions

140 reactions

130 reactions

120 reactions

110 reactions

105 reactions

100 reactions

95 reactions

90 reactions

85 reactions

80 reactions

75 reactions

70 reactions

65 reactions

60 reactions

55 reactions

50 reactions

45 reactions

40 reactions

35 reactions

30 reactions

25 reactions

20 reactions

15 reactions

10 reactions
100% Progress

99% Progress

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1% Progress
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It looks good, but what will the user get when they reach a certain number of stars?
It looks good, but what will the user get when they reach a certain number of stars?
They'll just have 10 full and total stars. What do you have in mind? Like a solidified border around the stars? Because I have an image of the same star that has a border around it. Basically I could do a final image with an outline after getting all the stars.

1@Laifot[/uSER] I have a great idea. This image comes with a white background and black outline and also the same colored star with an outline as well.

I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to make 10 white background stars with a solidified outline always be there and they will get filled as you go. When you get a total of 10 it will solidify the colored stars. Let me know what you think. I'm going to do this now
What about a special border in the avatar? Or your username gets stylized with some special animation or color (just an idea)
What about a special border in the avatar? Or your username gets stylized with some special animation or color (just an idea)
That's not a good idea in my opinion. Users don't need colored usernames when they can be rewarded with ranks already. You don't want to go over the top and we have enough different colored usernames as it is. But I am now working on what I stated above. So should be enough of a reward. You'll like what I'm working on though. I look forward to showing you the difference. Basically empty stars being filled is the basic idea.

Plus there would be no way to automate it and we are going to be a lot bigger soon

1@Laifot[/uSER] ranks and original post have been updated. The picture of how the final rank is I put in the original post. Basically your filling the stars but you don't have a outline around the colored ones until you finish, then you get the solid outline while they are also colored. Let me know what you think (y)
Looks good! It's a long way to the 10 stars! i hope to be alive yet when i get it! haha!
Looks good! It's a long way to the 10 stars! i hope to be alive yet when i get it! haha!
Well I don't think the number is completely unreasonable. To be honest I feel like 1,300 for the final rank isn't too bad at all. I can't make it literally easy and also it's easier to get the first 4 or 5 so stars. It's intervals of 25 -> then 50 -> then 100. And it's spread out almost evenly. So the first ones will be easier to obtain then the ones higher up. Refer to the info in the first post to see
Well I don't think the number is completely unreasonable. To be honest I feel like 1,300 for the final rank isn't too bad at all. I can't make it literally easy and also it's easier to get the first 4 or 5 so stars. It's intervals of 25 -> then 50 -> then 100. And it's spread out almost evenly. So the first ones will be easier to obtain then the ones higher up. Refer to the info in the first post to see
Hey bud i don't see the white bg for the stars, can you show it in dark theme so we can all see the updated star system?
Hey bud i don't see the white bg for the stars, can you show it in dark theme so we can all see the updated star system?
Hey I just updated it with a chart. Took me a good 45 minutes to set that up. Clear your cache to see the update. It's because you may have been on the site earlier and it's transparent, not a white background.
Hey guys to be more fair I decided to also go on post count and add an "OR" operator to the code so that either ratings or post count would get you a higher reputation. The chart has been updated. Some of you have higher ratings now that had a good amount of posts. This system is much fairer and I believe works perfect.
Seems like an interesting system. I'm looking forward to exploring it and hopefully obtaining the final rank eventually.
Pretty soon it's probably going to be replaced with a progress bar. I haven't decided yet but I believe it will be. I got a friend on our softwares website who insisted on making this into an add-on instead of a template edit like I had originally done. I like the stars but the progress bar looks too good in my opinion. I'll keep you and everyone else posted. He should be finishing it up within a small time frame and I will update it. :P
To be honest, it would be great.

It makes you to be more and more active. :D
Guys I have updated the thread. Since the intervals are mostly the same there was no need for a chart. @Seneca you can just remove it from the help page. It's pretty much self explanatory. If you want to add a description in the help page that basically says when you reach 2,000 posts you will have a full bar then you can. I hope you guys like it. I think the animation looks cool as well :)
Wow, now it looks like my old internet connection when i tried to download a huge file lol :P

We're all like even, not a big gap between posters so we may end up reaching the top equally.
Wow, now it looks like my old internet connection when i tried to download a huge file lol :p
That's all I see when looking at the bar now, thanks.
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