I used to play that game! LOL I had a love hate relationship with it in that it was different than some other games but I hated the killing. I prefer non-kill games.
My husband was into it as well for a while and Doom too. Once our daughter was born though we both stopped playing those types of games because we didn't want her to see them.
I've never really played them.. I just wasn't particularly interested in FPS games at all until the Xbox 360, honestly.
..even then, I'm not particularly good at them. I can just about make my way through Veteran mode on the Call of Duty games - but I get my ass handed to me online so I tend not to bother, honestly :geek:
I've purchased Duke Nukem Forever on the PS3, and I'm pretty sure that I own Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour on PS4 - I haven't really bothered with either yet though.