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Price of New Games


Oct 26, 2020
New games are quite expensive these days, do you think they are good value? Personally, I believe the price of games is quite expensive when they first come out. If everyone would just wait a couple of months later the price would go down. But we can't get people to do that.So what do you think?
RE: Price of New Games

No in my opinion. Possibly the Xbox 360 was good value and now they are just played out. I really don't know what to say about it. Completely played out. The games if triple A are somewhat fun but doesn't have the feeling they used to have. Just gets old.
RE: Price of New Games

It's crazy how many games are nowadays, they are getting bigger in size and they tend to have a set price. They do not care how bad or good the game is, it's just the same price from big known companies. Personally I just wait around or get the best deal I can and not spend the full price. Farming simulator 2022 I got for $2 rather than full price with a good discount code off 

I wish that I did not brought the new battlefield game, even that I got $10 off XD - It's just me that you spend a good amount of money on buying games and you ended up wasting your money and spent no hours in games. I got farming simulator 2022 and have not played it yet since release. 
RE: Price of New Games

I think not much has changed, there is a constant price in the last decade or so for games, the only thing that changed is the quantity of those expensive games. I think companies would win more if they would give the lower price a chance. Make more subscription games and make the main game free for certain genres, while for others just put that big price on the main game + a few main dlcs
RE: Price of New Games

[QUOTE="Alexander.]New games are quite expensive these days, do you think they are good value? Personally, I believe the price of games is quite expensive when they first come out. If everyone would just wait a couple of months later the price would go down. But we can't get people to do that.So what do you think?
[/QUOTE]Why would people want to wait when the hype is on release? 

I'm not a fan of the new $70 price for future AAA games, but if you have a PlayStation, you can buy the PS4 game at $60 and upgrade to the PS5 version for free. Not sure if it works the same for Xbox. 
RE: Price of New Games

Nowadays, new games seem to be set around the $60 price mark. And then, some of them have lots and lots of DLC that costs twice the base game. And some developers do not care about the state of the game, does not work on bug fixes, improvement of the game, etc. But well, there are still many games that are incredible and priced fairly.
RE: Price of New Games

Most of the AAA video games are too expensive for at least $60 upwards. Just take a look at how much they sell FIFA game's that's full of trash. 
RE: Price of New Games

Martinsx said:
Most of the AAA video games are too expensive for at least $60 upwards. Just take a look at how much they sell FIFA game's that's full of trash. 
Are the new FIFA games actually new?  Asking because 2K Sports uses to just recycle the previous NBA 2K game and the only new addition is more bugs. And a price increasement. Yep, gaming industry today.
With the inflation and everything, new games are supposed to be more expensive than they used to be.

It's not going to be possible for you to still have games at the same price they were sold 20 years ago.
Video games are becoming more advanced than it was when they were first invented, the kind of technology use to develop video games now are way more advanced and obviously more expensive so it is only imperative that the price to purchase a good video game now should be higher than it has been in the past.
Video games are becoming expensive though as compared to what it used to be but that still equally affordable as you can purchase really good video games for as low as $10.
I still don't rush into buying games when they are very expensive.

I'm very good at waiting for the price to come down or get it on promo.
[QUOTE="Alexander.]New games are quite expensive these days, do you think they are good value? Personally, I believe the price of games is quite expensive when they first come out. If everyone would just wait a couple of months later the price would go down. But we can't get people to do that.So what do you think?
[/QUOTE]I'm very good in waiting for the price of video games to go down before buying them. I don't play my games very often.
Yarik said:
RE: Price of New Games

Are the new FIFA games actually new? Asking because 2K Sports uses to just recycle the previous NBA 2K game and the only new addition is more bugs. And a price increasement. Yep, gaming industry today.
Each year, they will release a new copy of the old game and call it a new one. Even at that, they will still sell it very expensive.
I think most video games are still very affordable , and they hasn't been much changes in the prices so far.

But it's no doubt that video games are now way more advanced than it has been in the past.
A lot of new gamers don't find it funny with how expensive new video games are getting now.

I don't mind anyways but I know that it's too high but I can't do anything but still buy the video games.
Yes, the new games are expensive, however, I always try to limit myself from buying a lot of games or buy during offers and sales.
I think most video games are still very affordable , and they hasn't been much changes in the prices so far.

But it's no doubt that video games are now way more advanced than it has been in the past.
It's not affordable for most people in all honesty. 

A lot of people don't like paying more than $20 for their games. But most AAA games are sold at $59.99.
I think that the price of new games is a joke. $70 for the game and $50 for the Season Pass, and games like Borderlands 3 more than one Season Pass. And the worst part of all, you're lucky if you can get 70+ hours out of the game. Which is my I preferred game is an MMORPG because you can play them forever. I had more than 6,000 hours on Elder Scrolls Online.
New games can start at 70.00 in the USA. I try to wait for discounts before I buy.