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President's Day in the US


Apr 18, 2020
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It's President's Day in the United States today. Besides getting no mail and having no school, do you think this holiday is really important? I hate to be unpatriotic but there really isn't much to this holiday. Change my mind?
RE: President's Day in the US

I use to love Presidents day in the army for the sole reason that we'd have the day off. Other than that, I don't much see the reason other than a free day off from federal jobs :)
RE: President's Day in the US

It does double as Washington's birthday, the man who help make the USA be realized. So I do believe it should be recognized.
RE: President's Day in the US

Love it, for the idea that we probably should have a day dedicated to celebrate the former leaders of our nation. If I remember right, the idea was to honor all of them, and not just a select few on their birthdays. Not sure why it had to be an official federal holiday though, as you can recognize the day, without forcing federal buildings and banks to shut down.
RE: President's Day in the US

I don't think it's disrespectful to just dump the holiday.   Instead, they need to honor something more powerful.   Well, maybe they could make a holiday honoring Harriet Tubman, for instance.