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Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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A simple yes or no to the paranormal. Either you believe it's real or you don't. Answers will remain anonymous. Interesting in finding out how many of you believe in a life after death or another form/plane of existence.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

I don't believe in the paranormal. It's something I've never experienced so I can't bring myself to believe in it.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

1@JennyorAlice[/uSER] that's to be expected with most people who haven't experienced a life changing event. I can't blame you there. Most people don't. I just personally believe when you die you still live on.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

Haven't experienced it, so got to say no. Though I hope no demon ever tries to take over my body.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

I can't vote since I do not know myself. It's an odd feeling at the moment for me that the fact that It's maybe, Yes or no, yet I do not know as I'm right in the middle. Anyone else the same way?
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

I'm on the fence to be honest. I've had a lot of experiences with supernatural stuff hapening, like a lot, more than someone should I feel. My family says I'm the haunted one lol. But I also believe when you die, it's just like sleeping without dreams. You just cease to exist, your brain stops producing electrical pulses and that's all she wrote. Your life asperations, goals, memories, etc. snuffed out eternally. Which are two completely contradictory things to believe in but I do... somehow.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

I answered Yes. Though I too have not experienced supernatural phenomena. I have an open mind & just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean I will discount those who have. It also depends on a person's beliefs. Some believe in a heaven. Some in reincarnation.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

1@ZandraJoi[/uSER] I believe in Heaven and also Hell. As a lot of Christians don't believe in reincarnation either but I also believe in that. Reincarnation seems to be where someones will travels on in my opinion. No one is sure what happens, you can merely speculate. The saddest thing for me is when someones loved one dies and they are so hurt inside because they believe the person vanishes or disappears from existence. How someone can have that mind set leads me to feel so bad for them because that's where most of the hurt is located in someone's life. If one could just fathom the thought of being created by the powerful and awesome God we know from the good holy book the bible then they wouldn't be as sad.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

Yes, totally i feel there's something else besides this life, not certainly sure of what is it or what to expect, maybe reincarnation is the most "logic" answer.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

I’ve never experienced anything myself so no, need to see it myself to believe it.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

Well nothing happen to me in my life so i don't believe in paranormal activities
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

Well nothing happen to me in my life so i don't believe in paranormal activities
That is to be expected for those that haven't had that overwhelming experience. There's nothing wrong with believing it's not real. It's part of human nature to ignore it. I just personally have had experiences that cannot be explained. My only reason for having belief in a life after death.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

I just personally have had experiences that cannot be explained
Sad to hear, so do you still think there should be a paranormal life after this incidence ?
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

You mean a life after death? If so then yes. I'm a Christian. It's in the Bible and purgatory is something that's also noted in the Bible. It's possible on very rare instances for strange things to occur. Just doesn't happen often.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

Yes I do. Lots of experiences out there about it and while some thinks life ends afte we die, it really is just beginning.
RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

I strongly believe in paranormal activity as I do visualize many unnatural movements in the darkness. I am not sure if my mind is playing games. Having brought up in a very religious and superstitious family, I have been exposed to such frightening experiences from very early. I believe life after death. There are numerous articles which have proved this. My personal wish is that I do not want to be reborn.
I believe that paranormal is real. Even though I have not experienced it in person, I know it's real.

It's been acted a lot in movies, there's a very big chance that it's real.
There's a hunted house in my neighbourhood where the lights of the house usually comes on every night by 1:00 AM on the dot and goes off in 30 minutes time.

This happens every night, and there's no other logical conclusion to it other than being a paranormal occurrence.
Yes, I have had a first hand experience with a paranormal occurrence.

I have already shared the experience in the other paranormal thread. It nearly killed me but I'm glad to survive it.
I can't say that paranormal exist because I have not experienced it. It's only in movies that I have witnessed it.

Maybe death is a paranormal activity? I don't think so but it's something mysterious.