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Politics and The Olympics


Apr 26, 2020
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This is an area that keeps coming up in my studies and I find it particularly fascinating. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) seem to have always denied that The Olympics is political but for many, it is clear to see this claim can be a bit hypocritical. There have been countless instances of The Olympics used as more than just a sporting event, in regards to politics. For example the black power salute of 68' and the 1936 games in Berlin known commonly as 'Hitler Games'.

What examples of politics in the Olympics have you noticed? Do you feel this overthrows the significance of the sporting elements of the games? Isn't sport what it should be about?
RE: Politics and The Olympics

I would have to say political agendas in the Olympics may be possible but since it's International I think it's more-so each country trying to get a top finish so that their countries sports teams look tougher. There's nothing like pride from a country when they have a Top Finisher in any of the events or if a team actually wins on their behalf. There's nothing wrong with that pride because it's something to be proud of.
RE: Politics and The Olympics

The Olympics are now in China and why should that government be honored after unleashing Covid-19 on the world?  This is worse than Nazi Germany in 1936!  Who are we kidding here?
RE: Politics and The Olympics

Olympics and politics should not be mixed. In other words politics should never interfere with Olympics. But this Olympics was being held in China, the country which allegedly have brought the world under its knees by causing unprecedented devastation and loss of life in each corner of the world. This is not politics. China have so far escaped retaliation from other countries just because everyone is still busy in the healing process. I would have been happy if every country worth their self respect had boycotted the games. It certainly hurts when you use such words for Olympic games. But that was the least we could do to China for their mis-adventure.
RE: Politics and The Olympics

The Olympics didn't have low ratings in the US.  Well, I suppose this could be seen as racist.  Nonetheless, the government and people are not the same thing?  Is this how Americans are treating this?