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Aug 23, 2021
Do you trust politicians in your country ? And do you think they need to be paid more or less?
RE: Politicians!

I think politicians must be paid an adequate amount of money according to their services, production and efforts so it’ll be fair. No profession in the world should be over or underplayed.
RE: Politicians!

Generally, I do not trust politicians here in the U.S.A. Any of them that are there for career, and not for representing what they were elected for, shouldn't be paid an enormous amount to be in that position. If anything, I trust those who resist being told what to do by the elite, more than those who are there to add a resume item.
RE: Politicians!

From what I heard; they get a lot from sponsors (campaign donors).  Also, if they get well-known, people might want to buy books from them and have them for speaking engagements.   Anyhow, they certainly have a good shot at making way more than their salary, I think.   

Anyone see ethical concerns here?  Well, it takes a lot to run a campaign.  It's like starting a successful rock band, lol.   In that case, why is there these self-righteous attacks on the money?
RE: Politicians!

I don't see any job which my country's politicians are doing, they should be paid like a civil servants. Infact, civil servants are working more than them. They've simply ruined the progress of our country, making unfavourable decisions all the time. 
RE: Politicians!

The comedian George Carlin said politicians come from the people so, lol, the people sucked.  Do you think we put too high standards on politicians?  The politicians come from the people, so what does that say about the people?
RE: Politicians!

There not all bad. The majority of Republican Senators and governors are respectable. Then once in a while you find some richie brichie character who could possibly be some type of scum bag but that's more rare as most politicians even though they may lie and exaggerate their stories to get elected, usually after that if they are good at their job they wouldn't lie a whole lot but sometimes that's not true and some actually are a bit shady. But this is probably more rare for Republicans though at times Democrats can be a shady bunch.
RE: Politicians!

Be it Demonstrates or Republicans or any other party anywhere in the world, I am sure majority will agree that generally politicians are a corrupt lot. True, politicians go to any extent and promise lot of goodies to get elected. But frankly how many keep up their promises to citizens. Every election sees shrewd, selfish, and greedy politicians coming to power at the expense of majority of citizens who hope they will at least fulfill election promises. This is a recurring event happening every few years. Sadly our citizens never learn. They just hope and look up to a good future.
RE: Politicians!

Whether they are paid less  or more, politicians know how to make money.  Even if they do not know, they are taught how to ....lol.  This is one breed that think they are smarter than everyone.
RE: Politicians!

The success of politicians is how they reform society and people for well-being. They should be paid for their hard work. But I doubt all politicians are not the same. Some have good knowledge and truly come to serve the people and their country and most of them come to loot money.