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Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

any feedback that you guys could give us?
RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

Thanks for making this available for all public. Considering I am struggling to practice GNUCobol. I always wanted to use web based IDE to compile and test out the code in the course. So I am going to try out the IDE and see if I can make some assignments work with it.
RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

I remember seeing you advertise this at one point, completely forgot you were still running it! I had it in my mind to use this, over using Notepad at the time, and was wondering why the original url went dead. :D

Bookmarked. Going to see how easy it works, and if some of the things I want to test on it, will work correctly. I'll make suggestions after that. :)