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Other options to Wordpress?


Apr 26, 2020
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I created my blog last year with WordPress which appears a very common thing to do. They have a good free option and I would say it is a great place to start for people wanting to get their words out there. It does exactly what I want it to do so I am happy with it.

It is always good to keep an open mind and try new things though... after all, WordPress might not be for everyone. So what other places can you go to host a blog? Tell us your success (or not so successful) stories about places to create your site!
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

Wordpress is probably the best and main option for a blog. You could however get Xenforo 2 and use a blog add-on that way you could have a forum and a blog. Other ideas though not exactly blogs are Joomla. Which is a free platform some people use.

The one thing about wordpress is it's very professional but has security holes sometimes. Also their forum add-on called BBPress isn't that good however it's still an option if you want to integrate a forum into wordpress.
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

I personally dislike BB Press. It lacks many features and looks horrible. My choice for a forum will always be Xenforo. For a blog, I like a self hosted Wordpress. I also blog on Deviant Art and make video blogs as well on Youtube.
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

Well there is Joolma, but I'm not too fond of it. If you don't like Wordpress, the next best option will be the article option with Xenforo.
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

Well there is Joolma, but I'm not too fond of it. If you don't like Wordpress, the next best option will be the article option with Xenforo.
That isn't actually that bad with the release of 2.2 to include the article option.

I won't be able to upgrade the site right away but yes I'm not too fond of joomla either.
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

Wix might be an option, but I never actually tested their software out to see how the backend works. The few reviews I have read, states it is relatively easy to access, but I haven't actually come across a review that shows the backend.

I only recommend Blogger for those who do not care about customization, as blogger is literally designed for people who don't care about messing with a multitude of options on how to run a blog.

I hear Drupal is good for those who want to run more than one type of site, as supposedly they have options for blogs, forums, E-Commerce, and a multitude of other options.
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

Wordpress is certainly easy to use, being where you can use it via cloud, or install on your server. But I've never had luck with a blog. I'm more into forums and social sites.
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

Wordpress is free but you need a domain and hosting, which cost money. If you use free wordpress, you will have to use subdomain, which does not look professional. Wordpress also has its own hosting plan, but wordpress hosting plan is expensive compared to building wordpress site by buying a domain and hosting. If you are looking for free blogs, the best alternative to wordpress is blogspot. I say best because you can use adsense with blogspot.
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

There are actually many blog alternatives to WordPress on Softalicous, the instant software loading program that comes with a lot of hosting.  However, I'm not sure how good they are.   They might be good enough for a lot of people, however.   Who has tried them?
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

My first blog site was developed using a WordPress, it was simply a free blogging sure then. Next option for me will be to go into self hosted blog with WordPress. If I am to own a forum of my own, then I'll definitely use Xenforo software. 
RE: Other options to Wordpress?

My first blog site was developed using a WordPress, it was simply a free blogging sure then. Next option for me will be to go into self hosted blog with WordPress. If I am to own a forum of my own, then I'll definitely use Xenforo software. 
You can also use wordpress to create a forum. There are a lot of forum plugins that you can use on wordpress site to create a forum. I have a forum built on wordpress. If you do not have any skills with forum software like Xenforo, try using wordpress and build skills.