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Official post your Xbox Live, PSN, or Nintendo Friend Code Thread


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Guys post your Xbox Live gamertag, Playstation Network Username or Nintendo Friend Code which either Nintendo Switch or 3DS is fine.

I don't want to add mine but if you want to play with me just contact me directly and I will give it to your personally. However I do own Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Just contact me if you want to play. This will be the official sticky thread for console/handheld gaming.
RE: Official post your Xbox Live, PSN, or Nintendo Friend Code Thread

Feel free to add me on xbox, my gamertag is AnonymousPER50N
RE: Official post your Xbox Live, PSN, or Nintendo Friend Code Thread

wG Radicalz is mine
RE: Official post your Xbox Live, PSN, or Nintendo Friend Code Thread

xbox: KrewUK

I'm usually on COD:WW2
RE: Official post your Xbox Live, PSN, or Nintendo Friend Code Thread

Feel free to add me, but please send a message if you're going to do so - otherwise your request is likely to be ignored..

PSN: iXanon

I'm also on http://TrueTrophies and http://PSNProfiles :)
RE: Official post your Xbox Live, PSN, or Nintendo Friend Code Thread

PlayStation: DarthHazard

Xbox: DarthHazard#7959

I try to keep my friends list on PlayStation small since I mainly have close friends on there. But since no one I know has an Xbox, I tend to add anyone on there ;)