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Jan 28, 2021
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What are your opinions on Nostradamus & his predictions? Do you think most of them came true? From what I read about him, he was quite intelligent. He helped people through the Bubonic plague by using progressive ideas not seen at that time.

I think there are people out there who have good intellect. However, I'm not convinced people can see into the future as to me, the future can change so easily.
RE: Nostradamus

Nostradamus of his time was widely respected. His entire family died and he was left lonely almost half his entire life from what I had saw on the history channel. His quatrains are interesting but sometimes when reading can seem awfully scary and almost evil the way they sound. As if lurking inside them is a future you may actually witness yourself. I get scared when reading them sometimes. I have read one that said "Barrel of Bees Liquor. Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur". I'm not entirely sure if this was talking about the pollution of duke energy but I received the tail wind back-hand of their coal ash in my bath water from 2010-2015 and received lead poisoning. Still sick from it too. What a bee has to do with it is beyond me. That was one of his quatrains that bewildered me though.

he's an interesting fellow.
RE: Nostradamus

Some of his turned out to be true while some of his predictions are falling flat. He said some sort of the ruler will fix the world after 2020. And there does not seem to be a sign. Real men have stopped being born and what we have these days are not real men who can fix things.
RE: Nostradamus

Gotta admit, either he had numerous dreams or visions of may happen in the future, or he was predicting based on what had happened previously, and making predictions off of that, based on certain amount of guess work on what might happen if this or that thing came into being.

Either way, I probably should read through his predictions for fun one of these days.
RE: Nostradamus

Nostradamus has been credited with predicting several world events which includes the Great Fire of London, the rise of Adolf Hitler and Napoleon, the John F Kennedy assassination and the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre. Now it seems he had also predicted the current war going on between Russia and Ukraine. I don't know if this is true. He has predicted that if the world population survives World War III, then there will be peace for a 1000 years. We are already on the brink of a World War. I hope better sense will prevail among the world leaders who wants to show upmanship.