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New staff/vip badges

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Hey guys I was getting tired of the same old user badges for the staff team and vip so I recently (just today) added new ones made with CSS. I think this gives off a much more professional vibe and I'm interested in seeing what you all think about them. Combined with the awards I think they look great and much better.

Let me know what you all think. That is all. Long live Mind Piff! :cool:
I like the admin banner but don't really like the VIP banner on the dark theme.
1@Nagato[/uSER] I have now updated the VIP banner and the username css and also banner style is purple. Let me know if you like this. I have made it so that if you are retired staff your username will be black and have more styling priority only because of how many staff members who have retired there may possibly be in the future. Would be too strange seeing that many purple usernames. However VIP members who have not been staff will have a purple username.
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This has now been updated to use black usernames on VIP but still have a purple badge.
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