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my first goal for mind piff

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
My first goal for the site. I'm making this a short term or medium goal. To get 1k threads and 5k posts. And hopefully some more members that want to help us out. As you may or may not know I run a discord server with the site and that's been helping me get members. But that's my first short term goal for mind piff. I want us to reach at least 100 members and have 1k threads and 5k posts.

If you are new help us reach that goal. Posting is an easy thing to do you just have to have something to say. There are tons of threads already and traffic is definitely on the rise. The more posts we have, the more traffic we will have. Sign up and share your thoughts. It's good to hear what someone has to say. Don't be afraid to share.

When we reach that goal I will award all users who posted in that time frame or invited other members a special award and a special trophy specifically for the 1k thread and 5k post goal. If you contribute up until we reach that amount you will receive a special award that will appear in the post bit. After we reach that goal this award will be impossible to obtain. This creates a way for you to stand out in the future. Help us reach our goal. Thank you. I'm making this a sticky thread.

~ TopSilver
Hi all, glad to see how this community evolves :D that goal you were talking, 1@TopSilver[/uSER], will be a thing of the past soon enough, i see there are 2100+ posts this will keep growing fast enough
Yes i see and i know that he's a real hard worker ;)
I just spent $60 on addonflares advanced forum stats. It's basically all kinds of stuff like most popular threads, announcements, most viewed...etc but made into a tabbed widget. So I can put tabbed widgets on the site and it would do us some great work. It's a really nice addon that 1@Malcolm[/uSER] is currently using. I'll be setting it up in a bit. I'm going to wait on buying that award add-on as our current one releases the trophy extension/automated awards in about a month for free. But yeah I appreciate the compliment.
In fact every member of this community contributes a lot and it's together that we'll gonna make this so great :D
I just spent $60 on addonflares advanced forum stats. It's basically all kinds of stuff like most popular threads' date=' announcements, most viewed...etc but made into a tabbed widget. So I can put tabbed widgets on the site and it would do us some great work. It's a really nice addon that 1@Malcolm[/uSER'] is currently using. I'll be setting it up in a bit. I'm going to wait on buying that award add-on as our current one releases the trophy extension/automated awards in about a month for free. But yeah I appreciate the compliment.
It’s well worth it. It encourages members to find new content, that’s what I love about it. I’m really interested to see how you put the widgets to good use.
I’m glad it will help you out! Let me know how the awards is
It’s well worth it. It encourages members to find new content, that’s what I love about it. I’m really interested to see how you put the widgets to good use.
I’m glad it will help you out! Let me know how the awards is
Will do. I paid 1@Andox88[/uSER] $15 to make us some more awards. When they're finished I'll let you know. We'll have that trophy extension for our current medal add-on in around a month and then we can automate them. And yeah I'm excited to setup the add-on. Will definitely be doing that tonight
Will do. I paid 1@Andox88[/uSER] $15 to make us some more awards. When they're finished I'll let you know. We'll have that trophy extension for our current medal add-on in around a month and then we can automate them. And yeah I'm excited to setup the add-on. Will definitely be doing that tonight
I’ll be looking forward to his work, perhaps he could get another job on CodeForum
I want us to reach at least 100 members and have 1k threads and 5k posts.
One down, three to go.. :cool:
I'd say MindPiff is quite capable of reaching 200 members before we hit the other two goals.
One down, three to go.. :cool:
I'd say MindPiff is quite capable of reaching 200 members before we hit the other two goals.
It's so exciting to see MP growing a lot from the last month till now. It was a breeze to hit 200 posts! :D
So, guys, I am curious, how are things going regarding these goals? I am sure closer than before but it'd be nice to have an idea. :giggle:
So, guys, I am curious, how are things going regarding these goals? I am sure closer than before but it'd be nice to have an idea. :giggle:
Well were close to our first goal. Just got to keep at it and see if we can reach it. Might make the next goal 2k threads and 10k posts.

we got this brad ;)
Thank you 1@KFPGOD[/uSER] I believe we do as well.
So, guys, I am curious, how are things going regarding these goals? I am sure closer than before but it'd be nice to have an idea. :giggle:
I think we'll eventually reach the goal, so we ask you for your support as always! :D
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