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My Channel

RE: My Channel

Thanks for sharing Seaweed!
RE: My Channel

I love that video of seaweed. He is quite humble and I like that. :D
RE: My Channel

I wanted to edit this post and say that I decided to allow members to post their videos once every month or 4 weeks in the YouTube section. It's in terms and rules if you look so this is fine. Still only allowed to post channel links in the YT thread though. But this is fine.
RE: My Channel

Watched you uyesterday seaweed, btw SS site is back up i just have to work on some things before i can work on it. I also saw you stream but yyou were fine, my PC media playback was messed up.
RE: My Channel

Not a bad content, I watched it yesterday for awhile as I was kinda busy. What I could say, it's that you should never give up. It takes time to grow and I could see a lot of potential on your channel. Best of luck. ;)
RE: My Channel

Great content and your voice is very smooth. Keep it up!
RE: My Channel

Always liked your channel seaweed, too bad we never collaborated on stream. It can happen.