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Museum of Future opens in Dubai


Feb 4, 2022
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The museum was opened by the ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. It has been named the most beautiful building on the earth.  The museum's motto is 'See the future, create the future. ' It will provide the visitors the chance to interact with the future.  So for all who are planning to go on vacation, then this should be a must-visit place.
RE: Museum of Future opens in Dubai

Very impressive Museum. One of the best tourist attraction. Spectacular architectural design. Dubai is a beautiful place and wonderful travel destination.
RE: Museum of Future opens in Dubai

When the Museum of the Future was unveiled, it truly mesmerized all those who witnessed it. The most beautiful building in the world, is another landmark in the UAE. The construction which began nine years ago is a sprawling seven-storeyed circular building that stands at 77 meters, spread across 30,000 square meters. The museum is situated just a stone's throw away from the world's tallest construction, the Burj Khalifa, another iconic structure that has been an intrinsic part of Dubai's skyline.
RE: Museum of Future opens in Dubai

I too saw the video of the Museum of the Future.  It looks awesome.  Dubai already has the Burj Al Arab, Burj Khaleefa , the Palm, the World and now this added to their list of modern architectural beauties.  
RE: Museum of Future opens in Dubai

I've never heard of this but would be amazing to check it out to be completely honest.