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Most Common Question


Apr 18, 2020
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We probably all get asked questions for help from friends and family at one point or another. What's the most common question you get asked in regards to computers?

For me it's usually my dad who calls with questions and it's almost always after a Windows update. He's becoming more forgetful as he gets older and he doesn't remember ctrl+alt+del.
RE: Most Common Question

Windows updates used to be terrible. Completely shut-down my keyboard one time and I had to pull the stunt of my life and edit the registry when an on-screen keyboard hah. Worked out fine and actually got it working again. I guest the most common question would be something in regards to the Internet when it occasionally decides to go down.
RE: Most Common Question

There is always the same questions regards to the same thoughts that comes to peoples brains ;P

  1. What's your system specs?
  2. What OS do you use then?
  3. AMD or Intel?
  4. AMD or Nvidia?
  5. Is it a Laptop Or Desktop?
  6. How big is your storage?

That's what I saw, there are more :)
RE: Most Common Question

Most common question asked to me is what Antivirus should i install. I don't suggest anything now as i moved to Linux and i have no idea which AV is performing well.
RE: Most Common Question

The questions I commonly get is, "How much hard drive space should I get," "How much ram should I have," and "Whats the difference in this label, compared to that label?" With that one, it's usually in reference to brand names, and what hardware they have listed in the computer.