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Mobiles and Tablets and Web Development

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
Definitely, things need to be mobile ready these days and everything is trending that way strongly (SMF and phpBB now are mobile friendly with their default themes.).  However, though, when it comes to creating things on the web, you can't do it from a mobile device unless it's something like Forumotion or ProBoards.   I believe that to be the case.
RE: Mobiles and Tablets and Web Development

Most people these days have a mobile first approach which I have noticed. If your into mobile first then I saw go for it. Bootstrap is one good mobile first design platform.
RE: Mobiles and Tablets and Web Development

I wouldn't feel comfortable using the mobile device to do basic web design, desktop computer is the better option. But if I have no other choice in the future, I can simply utilize my phone to make such kind of designs. 
RE: Mobiles and Tablets and Web Development

Sincerem said:
I wouldn't feel comfortable using the mobile device to do basic web design, desktop computer is the better option. But if I have no other choice in the future, I can simply utilize my phone to make such kind of designs. 
I think what he means by mobile-ready/mobile-first is the html and css layout of the site to be set to focus on mobile development as the benefactor priority rather then focusing on the desktop version. Rather then actually making it on a mobile device. Which would be extremely awkward and hard lol.