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Mobile Development


Feb 5, 2021
Reaction score
Personally, I have not made or done any simple apps. I can tell you something though. Back in the year 2013 I and my mate with a group of others run a small gaming community. It's a GTA4 gaming roleplaying community that we had going until I myself closed the shop. Anywho, We had an idea to make a simple app that we can have that allows all members to have access to just about anything that we wanted them to have. 

An app that does the following:

  • 1. Forums (we had a simple site running
  • 2. Department notes and information
  • 3. dispatch centre
  • 4. who is online in Teamspeak (this is back 2013 and Discord was not a thing)
  • 5. news and blogs

We started and ended up not knowing what the flip we're doing

Has anyone done any Mobile development work that you all love to share and made  
RE: Mobile Development

I haven't but it's definitely growing far more popular these days I will say that. More users are using mobile apps to date. With push notifications being the standard and users getting mobile apps for their forums. I've never made anything myself personally but small games would be fun.
This is something I'm definitely interested in and will look at later on.

Looked at Android development which seems to primarily use Java, which I would have to learn about.