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Mindpiff has NOT opted out of Google's new FloC tracking

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Active Member
Retired Staff
Apr 16, 2018
Reaction score
According to Russell at SweetP Productions "Google has proposed a new tracking system to replace third party cookies. It's called FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts), and is already being tested in Chrome"


"It works roughly like this; your browsing history is analyzed in the browser and you are assigned an ID and are grouped with other users who share a similar browsing history. Your ID is then shared with advertisers who are looking for users with history/interests such as yours."


The tracking is "opt-out" and not opt-in, so this means sites must specifically request to opt-out. Testing MacRumor's url (
https://www.macrumors.com ) shows shows they have not opted-out.


The following site explains how MindPiff can opt-out: https://paramdeo.com/blog/opting-your-website-out-of-googles-floc-network


To test if a website has opted-out use this link
: https://aretheyflocing.me/


A detailed explanation of FLoC can be found here:
Thank you for posting this 1@Nagato[/uSER], I've opted-out Umbrella Online.

Anything involving personal data with Google is bad news, which is why I decided against using any kind of CAPTCHA too.
I'm sorry I haven't responded 1@Nagato[/uSER] I don't pay much attention to it but I will check it out within the next 6 months or so. If this starts to become a thing with most web hosts I will opt-out. Don't see how it would hurt rank too much in the least bit but will definitely give it some thought and bookmark this page. Thanks for tipping me off.
Thanks for bringing this out, i'll definitely be looking into opt-out for my site as well.
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