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Mandatory Masks


Oct 26, 2020
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Most governments around the world have made maks mandatory and are strongly advising social distancing. But the question is, how much longer will these laws & guidelines be in place? Do you think we'll see the same guidance this time next year? It's hard to speculate, to be honest.
RE: Mandatory Masks

I'm not exactly sure how long they will. I can see it continuing into next year and possibly done away with towards the middle or end. Now that a vaccine is almost ready.
RE: Mandatory Masks

I have not been keeping up to date with it too much as I think it is dangerous to my mental health to constantly be in the loop about this pandemic. I have kind of just got used to the fact that this will be around for a while and although I am not sure where anyone is at with a vaccine, I am concerned how efficient it can be if it is produced this quickly. A lot of people seem to be optimistic about next summer in the sense that the pandemic might be gone but me? I am not so sure.
RE: Mandatory Masks

I generally only wear masks, when I go to places where it is mandatory to wear one. I dislike the fact that, while masks can be effective, they seem to do the worst for those who still don't practice the best hygiene in the world (washing hands whenever possible, does wonders to preventing spread), and can't keep their hands away from the mask, because their face itches from the fabric.
RE: Mandatory Masks

I generally only wear masks, when I go to places where it is mandatory to wear one. I dislike the fact that, while masks can be effective, they seem to do the worst for those who still don't practice the best hygiene in the world (washing hands whenever possible, does wonders to preventing spread), and can't keep their hands away from the mask, because their face itches from the fabric.
Yeah I'm like Joshua. I only wear ones where they are mandatory and don't entirely understand people who wear them whilst walking in the open air/wear them whilst cycling etc.
I think the measures will be gradually relaxed and become 'guidance' rather than stringently enforced with fines like they are at the moment to tackle this new strain. I think looking at how the Summer was over 2020 here in the UK, when we could go about a relatively 'normal' life with groups of up-to 6 will likely be the "new normal" for a while whilst we get on top of the remaining few cases. I'd imagine by 2022 most the measures will be wound down, though I do wonder how many will keep going about masks and social distancing as a manner of habit
RE: Mandatory Masks

I think they will keep them in place as long as the death toll is still out there and people are still getting sick from it. If they get this shot and most people get it, they might consider loosening that up a bit. But until then....I don't see those rules going anywhere.
RE: Mandatory Masks

I think that around July people will start burning their masks. In the US we're getting more and more people vaccinated each day and when you take into account the millions who already had the virus we'll be at herd immunity by mid-summer of this year. We also have to remember that there were people who were asymptomatic and probably never realized they had the virus in the first place. There is no hard data on how long antibodies remain in the system although there is speculation. A friend of mine donates her plasma each month and I know after 8 months her antibodies were still strong in her system.
RE: Mandatory Masks

I am 100% against mandatory masks in the US. It is illegal to try and force people to wear them, and goes against a lot of our rights. HOWEVER I am 100% FOR mandatory masks dictated by companies, and those who own the land. If a company says you have to wear a mask it is their right as owner of the business, and the land/building you're going into to dictate such a thing. The government shouldn't have a say in what goes on, period. However, if you wish to go onto private land, a company business, etc. it is their right to tell you what you can and cannot do. It's why nudist beaches are legal, why some stores won't allow you in without a shirt, etc. It's their right and as such you have to follow it in order to enter their premises.
RE: Mandatory Masks

Thankfully I don't have to wear one for my current job and I do wear them if I go to the grocery store, but I'm not a big fan of them. For some reason my mask gives me a strange taste in my mouth if on for too long.
RE: Mandatory Masks

For me there were two possibilities. Either, we all wear masks and it allows other restrictions to be eased, or we don’t, and we risk a rise in cases, which would result in increased restrictions. I’d much rather be forced to wear a mask than be forced to stay at home. However small the risk of a rise is, wearing a mask is not that huge of a burden, and won’t outweigh the benefits from reducing the risk.
RE: Mandatory Masks

For me there were two possibilities. Either, we all wear masks and it allows other restrictions to be eased, or we don’t, and we risk a rise in cases, which would result in increased restrictions. I’d much rather be forced to wear a mask than be forced to stay at home. However small the risk of a rise is, wearing a mask is not that huge of a burden, and won’t outweigh the benefits from reducing the risk.
Here in the US you can compare states of those who have very strict mask mandates and restrictions compared to the states run with more lenience and you won't see huge differences in numbers. It's very interesting because you would think that the states that don't have a lot of requirements would be sky high in deaths but they aren't.
RE: Mandatory Masks

TopSilver said:
I'm not exactly sure how long they will. I can see it continuing into next year and possibly done away with towards the middle or end. Now that a vaccine is almost ready.
I am not sure whether vaccine will prove to be effective against the new variants of the COVID 19 virus so the masks and social distancing will prevail the following years to come unless the cases reduce and the virus itself gets flushed out.
RE: Mandatory Masks

Some countries made masks free. But it is mandatory at my place. It seems even if the cases are lowering, the government makes sure that we follow social distancing and wear masks in public.