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Last Show Watched?

RE: Last Show Watched?

Hana Yori Dango for me personally. What about you?
RE: Last Show Watched?

I watched some Brooklyn 99 recently (well technically rewatched). Love the show
RE: Last Show Watched?

The last show that I watched was Community. It has a lot of famous names in it such as Allison Brie but I had never seen it before. It is American I believe and was around from 2009-2015. There are a bunch of series on Netflix and it is easy for me to binge, so I am loving it so far!
RE: Last Show Watched?

The last TV show that I watched was an episode from Season 2 of Sons of Anarchy on Netflix. Recently got into the show and I'm very happy that I jumped into it because I am loving it at the moment.
RE: Last Show Watched?

Loki, episode four. I think this series is shaping up to be my favourite of the marvel TV series' released this year.
RE: Last Show Watched?

Loki, episode four. I think this series is shaping up to be my favourite of the marvel TV series' released this year.
I still need to check it out. Haven't watched Falcon & The Winter Soldier either.
RE: Last Show Watched?

Loki, episode four. I think this series is shaping up to be my favourite of the marvel TV series' released this year.
Loki is a a really good show from what I hear. I heard they were making some type of movie as well if I'm not mistaken. I like the style of this character. He shows a lot of class and has a sneaky deceptive side which isn't at all evil but sneaky which is what I like in any marvel character.