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Last Game Played?

[QUOTE="Mr. Cream]What was the last game you played?
[/QUOTE]I played Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 today. It's been a while since I played the flight Simulator game. I enjoy it very much.
I played 3D Chess this morning. It's been a while since I played any board games.

I will still play it later in the day.
I played call of duty today :vanguard today.

I would play FIFA 22 with some friends later in the day.
Call of Duty Vanguard was the last game I played. It was even few hours ago I stopped playing this night.
I played The Witch 3 : Wild Hunt last. I had fun with it.
I played Elder Scrolls : Oblivion last. I will play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe later.
I played God of war Ragnarok, this Friday. I have been playing this game "too much" since I bought this game a couple of weeks ago.
I played FIFA 23 at my friend's place that I visited this morning. 

I haven't bought the game yet, so I had a good time playing it at my friend's. 
I played Elden Ring last night. I couldn't make it past the first stage . 
The last game I played was Elder Scrolls Online, and I was playing it 70+ hours a week on my PS5 and Xbox Series X. I quit gaming and sold the PS5 and Xbox, and it was the best decision that I ever made.
The last game that I played was Xanje, it’s actually a browser based game.
The last game I played was Township on my mobile not too long ago. I have been enjoying Township, Farmville 3 and Monopoly Go just recently.
I was playing some Tekken 8 and trying to get to Fujin but I can't get out of Flame Ruler at the moment. These guys are some serious sweats, lol.