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Kratos says hello


Feb 2, 2019
Reaction score
Hey, I'm dwatsX. I own a public, free-to-play minecraft MMORPG server known as Avalon. The server has been up for about 3 years so it has a lot of content. If you want to check it out, the server ip is defend.avalon.today and it's currently on version 1.12.2 (moving to 1.13 soon).

Here's a trailer for the server also:

If you have questions about server or game development I might be able to give you some tips or something.
Welcome 1@dwatsX[/uSER] to Mind Piff. I watched the video and it's an interesting one to say the least. The voice overs are pretty cool.

It's about time you made an introduction. You should invite more people to the site. Currently as posted in the announcements our first site goal is 1k threads and 5k posts. Don't know how long that will take but I'm hoping we can get it in the next 4-6 months. If we can do that then we should have search engine users finally signing up. We have traffic already but in order to get big we need more content. Don't be afraid to post on the site and speak your mind. Mind Piff was made specifically for that reason so users can speak what's on their mind and debate with users.

I hope to see you around and in the server! :D
Well hello there!

I haven't played minecraft ever :( just the "2d" version of it called Terraria. Sadly i don't have time to build up any online game character :(

But anyway i hope you enjoy it here and get newer players for your server as well!
Hello 1@dwatsX[/uSER]/Kratos and welcome. I saw the video and it's very cool, i'll give it a try one of these days, i'm a big fan of minecraft. I'll gladly make a post on my website also if it's ok for you. If you have a nice text or server description that you'd like me to add, feel free to contact me
1@dwatsX[/uSER] if your going to be active here I also wouldn't mind helping you out by allowing your link in the footer under partners. Contact me when you have 20 posts and I will add you there.