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Is League of Legends good?

Gamer Guy

Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
A lot of people have been telling me to avoid League of Legends because the community is toxic. But the gameplay seems interesting.

Is it still worth getting into the game in 2022 even with the cons? 
RE: Is League of Legends good?

World of Warcraft is better but I think you have to pay for a subscription. I'm not sure if league is this way but I've seen the game and if you like MMOs then you would like the game a lot. It looks fun.
RE: Is League of Legends good?

TopSilver said:
World of Warcraft is better but I think you have to pay for a subscription. I'm not sure if league is this way but I've seen the game and if you like MMOs then you would like the game a lot. It looks fun.
Yes, you have to pay each month (which I don't really want to do), while League of Legends is free. 

If I had to go the paying route, I would consider Final Fantasy XIV over World of Warcraft, although I'm not sure how different those games are to each other. 
RE: Is League of Legends good?

For me, the reason league has been more fun and a longer lasting game for me has been the fact that you never stop actually getting better at it (if you try to.) With MMOs, you can get better gear and that's fun to a point, with shooters you find the best combo and just hit a skill cap fairly quickly. But, with league, after awhile, I still find myself improving every time I play, and getting better and seeing where I match up, and knowing that I can continue to improve with champions that I like is what keeps me going. If you like feeling like you're learning a new hobby or sport and getting better and better, this game has that feeling if you put the work in.
RE: Is League of Legends good?

Because it is so big, people just assume that you can't be bad at it because everyone knows LoL, and that's where the toxic community is created. It's good, not my cup of tea, but it is fun to play with friends
RE: Is League of Legends good?

I like playing the game, but wouldn't recommend it to beginners.
RE: Is League of Legends good?

Phoenix said:
I like playing the game, but wouldn't recommend it to beginners.
Everyone was once a beginner. It is a good game and what a newbie got to do is learn from the tutorials online while playing the game.
The game itself is quite interesting but I don't really enjoy MMO's and so I haven't really played it.

I Know a few people who do and they are practically addicted to it.
From the reviews I have read about it in various gaming sites it is quite an interesting game and it has really good graphics as well.
I am not playing this game currently, however, I have played in the past and I really liked the game. I can recommend this game but this game is not for minors, especially people under the age of 16 years. 