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Is AVAST any good?


Jul 9, 2021
Reaction score
I'm just wondering out loud whether AVAST antivirus is any good. Is it worth my money?

Someone informed me that the free version of Windows Defender is much superior than the commercial version of AVAST. What are your thoughts?
RE: Is AVAST any good?

Kaspersky is really the best. I honestly am just using the trial but I like it a lot.
RE: Is AVAST any good?

AVAST is only hogging resources and taking your money. You really do not need any anti-virus programs if you have common sense. Just avoid clicking on fishy links and do not visit obvious scam sites. I never had any malware but I recommend Malwarebytes if you want to run malware scans from time to time.
RE: Is AVAST any good?

I have used it for boot scans.  Well, it's the only software I know that has boot scans.   Anyway, I'm sure some other brands do like Norton.
I have used paid as well as free version of AVAST. I first started using a premium version and when the software expired, I did not renew and instead started using the free version., I did not find any difference.