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iOS or Android?

iOS or Android?

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RE: iOS or Android?

I prefer Android because I've never owned an iOS product and so, by default, I have to choose that.
RE: iOS or Android?

I’ve used both. I like iOS a bit more because of iMessage , smoothness, bug free experience, and fast updates.

I had Android phones before and they remind me so much of Windows and just how slow Windows is - my work computer has worked faster than the Androids I've had before. iOS is just smooth, no matter what you're trying to do. I'm a huge privacy nerd, too, which is why I love iOS. A friend of mine was able to hack into his whole families phones and read all of their text messages and control the phone - this was on one of the new Samsung Galaxy's running Android 10.0.

Another reason why I love iOS, I can actually update my phone whenever I want. :P
RE: iOS or Android?

I had Android phones before and they remind me so much of Windows and just how slow Windows is - my work computer has worked faster than the Androids I've had before. iOS is just smooth, no matter what you're trying to do. I'm a huge privacy nerd, too, which is why I love iOS. A friend of mine was able to hack into his whole families phones and read all of their text messages and control the phone - this was on one of the new Samsung Galaxy's running Android 10.0.

Another reason why I love iOS, I can actually update my phone whenever I want. :p
I've decided to stay away from jailbreaking my iPhone. I recently got the iPhone 11. In my opinion there's no reason for me to jailbreak it because usually the only point in that would be for modding video games. Which I used to do a lot of on original xbox back in the Halo 2 days. But it's not something I'd enjoy too much on a cell phone. And I bet your friend was a pretty decent hacker then. His family must have been quite frustrated lol. Bet it didn't take too long for them to find out though :ROFLMAO:
RE: iOS or Android?

I tend towards android myself, though mostly for the price point comparison. I'm on a special phone plan for people in poverty, and they only use android, so either way I'd be stuck pretty much. ^^;
RE: iOS or Android?

I would generally say that I prefer android, as I've never had owned my own iPhone and all my phones have been android. However, when I was younger I had an iPod touch and an iPad, and I loved playing games like temple run for example, on my mums iPhone. Therefore, I am surprised I didn't go down the route of being an Apple fanatic!
RE: iOS or Android?

I have android and I haven't used IOS, so it's android only.
RE: iOS or Android?

for me IOS i have used both but i prefer my phone to be simple i use my computer for advanced stuff such as moding.

each to their own though
RE: iOS or Android?

Android is the best, it offers so much freedom and is open source. So many developers can use and benefit from this technology. The play Store has a collosal collection of games and many awesome softwares.
RE: iOS or Android?

I'm an Android user, just no time or money for that IOS nonsense.
RE: iOS or Android?

I am a iOS user and love to stick with it till the end. Android i love the UI but iOS all time
RE: iOS or Android?

I would say both are best in their own class. I have used android extensively so I would chose it over iOS. But definitely iOS is more feature packed and convenient to use.
RE: iOS or Android?

I prefer both, even if I'm using an android at the moment. The features of iOS got me feeling high. I hope to go for iPhone 11 soon.
RE: iOS or Android?

Choices. Both in terms of customizing software and in terms of phone hardware.
RE: iOS or Android?

I've always had a Samsung phone. I'm the only one in my family that does. Everyone else has an iphone and they keep bugging me to get an iphone but I always say no lol.
RE: iOS or Android?

iOs all day and everyday of the week. I prefer iPhones for a variety of different reasons, mainly because they have many more advantages over Andriod systems. It's worth paying more for something that will last longer.
RE: iOS or Android?

One time I would have never considered using an Android device, but that's long changed since owning one. 

I like the freedom and not having to go through the hassle of jailbreaking my device. As long as I don't download anything shady, I feel like I'd be fine. 
RE: iOS or Android?

I'd choose Android over iOS because it has more RAM and processing power so it out performs iPhones.
Gamer Guy said:
RE: iOS or Android?

One time I would have never considered using an Android device, but that's long changed since owning one.

I like the freedom and not having to go through the hassle of jailbreaking my device. As long as I don't download anything shady, I feel like I'd be fine.
Android devices give you the simplicity. Just boot your device and start using it straight away. This is different for those making use of iphones as everything is all about a process.
I don't mind using both android and IOS. They are both good brands.
I'm using iPhone 13 and Samsung galaxy S22 Ultra. I even have ASUS ROG PHONE 6. Both android and IOS are very good phone brands. 